--- Medical Imaging In Chile --- Summer-I 2023

Medical Imaging Faculty: Prof. Charles A. DiMarzio, Prof. José DelPiano Medical Imaging Teaching Assistant: Eric Hall
UAndes Program Coordinator: Josefina Vicuña, Martina Durán UAndes Student Coordinator: Fernanda Casaubon
Chilean Culture Faculty:T Prof. Paulina Becker, Ximena Gomez
Spanish Language Faculty: Prof. Rossana Cigna
Biomedical Imaging: EECE4649 Tentative Syllabus|
Program Agenda | Homework Policies | Teams

Captain's Log (Photos and such)

Predeparture Meeting 1 Slides
Predeparture Meeting 2 Slides
Eric's Matlab Tutorial
Predeparture Meeting 3 Slides

Slides 1 - Introduction
Slides 2 - X-Ray Imaging
Slides 3 - MRI
Slides 4 - Ultrasound
Slides 5 - Optics (in progress)
Slides 6 - Endoscopy
12345 - SISIM
Slides 8 - Conclusion
HW1 -- fresnel.m -- interference.m
HW2 --
HW3 --

Announcements (Updated 11 May 2023)

(11 May 2023) There is some more information on electromagnetic waves (Chapter 1), interference (Chapter 7), and diffraction (Chapter 8) in the notes for my optics course, https://www.ece.neu.edu/courses/eece4646/dimarzio/ . This is intended for a senior or graduate course and is pretty advanced, so I don't recommend it for everyone. Also, it's specific to optics. However, I thought I'd include it if you are interested. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

(5 May 2023) Most of us will start travel tomorrow. If you do have any problems with flights, please text me so I can update our drivers. We will track the key flights so we should know their actual arrival times. We wish everyone a good trip.

(29 April 2023) I'm starting to post some of the material I'll use in class. See the files above with labels Slides n. I'm putting some of the titles up before I actually post the material, so some links may not work. In any case, I may make some changes before we start the lectures. Eric and I will see many of you at the airport a week from today. It would be a good idea to check the actual flight times as there may have been small changes since you bought your tickets.

(14 Mar 2023) Predeparture meeting 1 will be in 302 Stearns, Wednesday, 15 March, at 6:00pm. I expect it to last about an hour.

(16 Feb 2023) Welcome to the Biomedical Imaging in Chile website. From now through the end of the program, I'll post announcements, assignments, and other useful information here. For starters, I've copied some links from last year's course, which I will update.

Packing List: Everyone is different so think about what you usually bring with you when you leave home. However, there are some extra things to think about when you travel to another country for several weeks. I've put together a very incomplete packing list to give you something to think about.

Emergencies: Text my US mobile number in case of emergency. I will recharge my Chilean phone which will have a new number when we are settled into our hotel. I'll email you when I've done it.

I will dry-run an "emergency test" sometime Monday or Tuesday to make sure all our numbers are working. When I do, just reply with your name.

Supporting Material

Course Materials
Sample Talk Template. You don't need to follow this but it's a suggestion.
Matlab code for Fresnel reflection (and transmission).
Mie Scattering Calculator
Refractive index of just about everything.
Matlab code for Bloch Equations (MRI)..

Here are two videos that May be helpful.
Spin-Echo Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDyxBWXp6IU
Spin-Echo Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jph1A0hP3U&t=133s

Getting Around. The subway:
Metro website. and Metro map. The campus is to the east of Los Domincos Station on the Linea 1 (Red Line). There is bus service (C02 "micro") from Los Dominicos. Host Families will meet you at the airport on arrival.
The campus: Universidad de los Andes.

Facts and Figures about UANDES.

ABOUT THE BACKGROUND: My favorite winter passtime is skiing. I put this background together from a detail of a photograph taken at Park City, in 2003. There are four copies in different orientations so that the tracks (and more importantly, the brightness levels) line up as the pattern repeats.