Our work, "Multifunctional Metasails for Self-Stabilized Beam-Riding and Optical Communication" has appeared on the front cover of Nanoscale Advances.
Feb. 2022: Our work, "Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier Modulation with Spatiotemporal Metasurfaces at Near-infrared Spectral Regime," accepted for publication in Journal of Lightwave Technology.
Feb. 2022: Our work, "Multifunctional Metasails for Self-Stabilized Beam-Riding and Optical Communication," accepted for publication in Nanoscale Advances.
Invited Talk: Dynamic and Time Modulated Electro-Optical Phenomena, SPIE Active Photonic Platforms (APP), San Diego, California, August 21-25, 2022.
Jan. 2022: Our work, "Optical pulse compression assisted by high-Q time-modulated transmissive metasurfaces," accepted for publication in Laser & Photonics Reviews.
Invited Talk: Time Modulation of Metasurfaces, The 51st Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, January 10-14, 2022.
Our work, "TCO-Based Active Dielectric Metasurfaces Design by Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks", has been features as the cover page for Journal of Adv. Theory Simul.
Invited Talk: Active Metasurfaces Design by Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, META 2020, Warsaw, Poland, July 20-23, 2020.
Invited Talk: Modeling time-modulated photonic nanoantennas array based on discrete dipole approximation, ACES, Monterey, CA, March 22-26, 2020.
Jan 2020: Our work, "Multi-wavelength voltage-coded metasurface based on indium tin oxide: Independently and dynamically controllable near-infrared multi-channels," accepted for publication, OPEX.
Oct. 2019: Our work, "Electro-optical amplitude and phase modulators based on tunable guided-mode resonance effect," accepted for publication in ACS Photonics.
Top-downloaded article in OpEx: "Dynamic beam control via Mie-resonance based phase-change metasurface: A theoretical investigation".
Sept. 2019: Our article entitles "Time-modulated conducting oxide metasurfaces for adaptive multiple access optical communication" is accepted for publication in IEEE TAP, Special Issue on Metasurfaces.
Sept. 2019: Our article entitles "A dynamically modulated all-dielectric metasurface doublet for directional harmonic generation and manipulation in transmission" is published in Adv Optical Mater.
Aug. 2019: Our article entitles "Inverse design of radiative thermal meta-sources via discrete dipole approximation model" appears in JAP.
May 2019: Our article entitles "A Tunable Multigate Indium-tin-oxide-assisted All-dielectric Metasurface" is selected to be included in the Best of Advanced Optical Materials 2018.
Mohammad Mahdi Salary will be receiving Honorable Student Paper Award in the 2019 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, held in Atlanta, GA for his work on full-duplex NIR communications.
Invited Talk: Time Modulated Nanoantennas Materials, Metamaterials 2019, Italy, Sept 16-21, 2019
Invite Talk: Inverse Design and Optimization Metasurfaces, META 2019, Portugal, July 23-26, 2019
January 2019: Our work in collaboration with Atwater's group in Caltech, "Tunable all-dielectric metasurface for phase modulation of the reflected and transmitted light via permittivity tuning of indium tin oxide" accepted for publication in Nanophotonics.
January 2019: Our work on "Nonreciprocal optical links based on time-modulated nanoantenna arrays: Full-duplex communication" accepted for publication in PRB.
November 30: (Invited Article) our work "Rigorous space-time coupled-wave analysis for patterned surfaces with temporal permittivity modulation" accepted for publication in Optical Materials Express
November 30: Our article "Electronically tunable harmonics in time-modulated metasurfaces for wavefront engineering" accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics
Editor's Pick: Our article, "Neural network based design of metagratings" considered as Editor's Pick in APL.
Invited Talk: Electronically Tunable Metasurfaces, Metamaterials'2018, Espoo, Finland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sept., 2018
Top 25 Most Accessed Papers in 2017 Adv. Optical Mater., "All-dielectric C-shaped nanoantennas for light manipulation: Tailoring both magnetic and electric resonances to the desire".
April 2018: Top 100 Scientific Reports Physics papers in 2017, our article on "Optimization-based Dielectric Metasurfaces for Angle-Selective Multifunctional Beam Deflection".
March 2018: Our work "Controllable directive radiation from dipole emitter coupled to dielectric nanowire antenna with substrate-mediated tunability" accepted for publication in MRS Communications.
Feb. 2018: our article "Composite multilayer shared aperture nanostructures: A functional multispectral control" accepted for publication in ACS Photonics.
Jan. 2018: our article "A tunable multigate indium-tin-oxide-assisted all-dielectric metasurface" accepted for publication in Adv. Opt. Mat.
Jan. 2018: Our work on Graphene Optomechanics featured on MRS Bulletin.
Jan. 2018: Editor's Pick, Our article entitled "Unidirectional thermal radiation from SiC metasurface", published in JOSA B, has been highlighted as the Editor's Pick.
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