Faculty and Staff Directory
240 Items found

Srinivas Tadigadapa
Senior Vice Provost for Institutes, Centers, and Impact Engines,
Office of the Provost Sensor Devices and Smart Sensor Systems realized through interdisciplinary field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS); including the design, optimization, fabrication, testing, and networking of such transducers; fabrication of novel micro and nano-sensors and actuators by integrating non-traditional materials using silicon planar microfabrication techniques and exploring phenomenon at the micro-nano interfaces; development of sustainable sensing solutions for biomedical applications including investigation of robust magnetic technologies for interfacing to the brain

Gilead Tadmor
Professor Emeritus,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Control systems; dynamical systems; low order modeling and estimation in complex systems; medical imaging
- tadmor@coe.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.5277

Devesh Tiwari
Associate Vice Provost for Research Computing,
Office of the Provost High performance computing (HPC), Quantum Computing, and Sustainable Computing.
- d.tiwari@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.8999

Eugene Tunik
Affiliated Faculty,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Human motor control / learning, neurorehabilitation neuroscience, brain stimulation, brain imaging, virtual reality
- e.tunik@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.2924

Josie Unger Flanagan
Associate Co-op Coordinator,
Cooperative Education - j.flanagan@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.3429

Carmine Vittoria
COE Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Elemagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic media, physics of magnetism, high tc superconductors and weak link devices, and ferrites and composites magnetic metal alloys and magnetic superlattices miniature microwave circuits.
- vittoria@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.2061

Rachel Walsh-Peterson
Senior Co-op Coordinator and Assistant Director,
Cooperative Education - ra.walsh@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.4302

Yanzhi Wang
Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Real-time and energy-efficient deep learning and artificial intelligence systems, model compression of deep neural networks (DNNs), neuromorphic computing and non-von Neumann computing paradigms
- yanz.wang@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.8805

Mingzhong Wu
jointly appointed in Physics & Electrical and Computer Engineering Topological quantum materials, magnetic thin films, spin transport, spin torque, spin waves, and ferromagnetic resonance

Xiaolin Xu
Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Security, Machine Learning, AI Security/Privacy, Energy-efficient Deep Learning, Computer Architecture, FPGA, Embedded Systems, VLSI

Mathew Yarossi
Assistant Professor,
jointly appointed in Physical Therapy, Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences & Electrical and Computer Engineering Movement neuroscience, motor physiology, clinical research, physiological signal processing, and biomechanics

Yasin Yazicioglu
Assistant Professor,
jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering Multi-robot systems, planning and control, distributed autonomy
- y.yazicioglu@northeastern.edu
- (617) 373-4856

Edmund Yeh
Professor and Department Chair,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Networked machine learning;
networking and systems for data-intensive engineering, science, health applications;
caching, edge computing;
wireless network optimization;
coding for low latency, network coding, polar codes;
interdependent networks, cascading failure, information dissemination; network economics.
- eyeh@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.5400

Roi Yehoshua
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering - r.yehoshua@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.2462

Sze Zheng Yong
Associate Professor,
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Control, estimation, planning, learning and analysis of hybrid systems, with
applications to autonomous, robotic and cyber-physical dynamic systems
and their safety, robustness and resilience.

Yuan Yuan
Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering optoelectronic devices, single-photon detection, silicon photonics, large-scale photonic integrated circuits for interconnects and computing

Victor Zappi
Affiliated Faculty,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational Acoustics, Digital Musical Instruments, Speech Synthesis, Virtual Reality
- v.zappi@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.4060

Wenjun Zhang
Assistant Director of Finance & Administration,
Institute for NanoSystems Innovation - w.zhang@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.5254

Xuan (Silvia) Zhang
Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Artificial intelligence (AI) hardware, machine vision sensors, machine learning for electronic design automation, efficiency/security/privacy for autonomous systems, computer architecture, integrated circuits/VLSI design

Xufeng Zhang
Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Spin wave dynamics; magnon-based coherent information processing; quantum hybrid magnonics; integrated microwave, photonic, magnonic, and mechanical devices
- xu.zhang@northeastern.edu
- 617-373-5624