Boston Area Computer Architecture Workshop
Friday January 30, 2004
Northeastern University
Boston, MA
The program for BARC2004 can be found HERE.
Presentation slides for BARC2004 can be found
Directions to BARC2004:
BARC2004 will be held on the Northeastern University main campus, located at 360 Huntington Avenue in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston. Traveling to Northeastern is very convenient via public transportation. The University has two T stations on campus (Northeastern on the Green Line, and Ruggles on the Orange Line), and a commuter rail station (Ruggles) A campus map is available HERE.
If traveling to Northeastern by car, you should park in the Renaissance Parking Garage is at 835 Columbus Ave, following the driving directions HERE. Parking costs $8/day. Be sure to obtain a parking pass at the BARC2004 registration desk.
The entire workshop and lunch will be held in the McLeod Suites on the
3rd of the Curry Student Center. The Curry Student Center is
building number 50. Look for the BARC2004 signs directing you
to the Workshop.
Workshop Organizers: Csaba Andras Moritz ( David Kaeli ( BARC2004 is sponsored by the
Intel Corporation.
Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:
microarchitecture, multiprocessors, memory systems, I/O, networking, low power, nanoelectronics-based architectures, embedded processing and performance evaluation techniques.
The program for BARC2003 can be found HERE.
Industry participants: $75
Academic participants: $75
Students: FREE
Student registrations must be sponsored by a faculty member. We request that each faculty member please send a list of students attending from their group to David Kaeli (
To register for this workshop, either register the day of the workshop (bring a check with you please) or send a check made out to Northeastern University and mail it to:
Prof. David Kaeli