Home Page of Karunaharan Ratnam
Karunaharan (Karu) Ratnam
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
Email Address
Here is my postscript
Research Project
wtcp: An Efficient Transmission Control Protocol for Wireless
- Karu Ratnam, Ibrahim Matta, and Sampath Rangarajan. A fully
distributed location management scheme for PCS. iscc00.tar.gz
Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications
(ISCC 2000), Antibes, France, July 3-6, 2000.
- Karu Ratnam, Ibrahim Matta, and Sampath Rangarajan. Analysis
of caching-based location management in personal communications
networks. icnp99.ps.gz
IEEE 7th International Conference on Network
Protocols (ICNP '99).
- Karu Ratnam and Ibrahim Matta. WTCP: An Efficient
Transmission Control Protocol for Networks with Wireless
Links iscc98.ps.gz
Third IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications
(ISCC '98).
- K. Ratnam and I. Matta. Effect
of Local Retransmission at Wireless Access Points on the Round Trip Time
Estimation of TCP ss98.ps.gz
IEEE 31st Annual Simulation Symposium
- Karu Ratnam and Ibrahim Matta. WTCP: A Simple Mechanism for
Improving TCP Performance for Wireless Users slide.ps Computer
Networking in the 21st Century - Mini Conference
- Karu Ratnam and Ibrahim Matta. WTCP: An Efficient
Transmission Control Protocol for Networks with Wireless
Links NU-CCS-98-01
January 1998.
- A fault-tolerant protocol for location directory maintenance in mobile networks with Sampath Rangarajan, and Anton T. Dahbura. Proceedings of Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium, June 1995.
- An Efficient Multicast Protocol for Mobile Networks with Vanitha Aravamudhan, and Sampath Rangarajan.2nd International Mobile Computing Conference March 25-27, 1996, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
- An Efficient Fault-Tolerant
Location Management Protocol for Personal Communication
Networks IEEE Transaction on
Vehicular Technologies. November 2000
- Nonlinear theory of two-beam coupling in a photorefractive material with P.P. Banerjee. Optics Communications 107 (1994) pp 522-530.
- I work for GTE Laboratories,
Waltham, Massachusetts.
My wife Devi works for Intel Corporation, Hudson, MA. Our son,
KurinchikKumaran was born in October, 1998.
This home page hasn't been updated for about a year.
I'll be updating it soon with photographs of us.
Thanks for visiting - 9/26/1999.
Here you go.. picture of our son
Hello there, you are the
visitor to my home page since Feb 3, 1996
Karu Ratnam
Created: 1995
Last modified: Tue Mar 14 16:08:46 EST 2000