D. Lazer, W. Meleis, B. Foucault Wells, C. Riedl, J. Radford,
B. Keegan, K. Ognyanova, S. Wojcik, J. Hoye and C. Karbeyaz,
"Performing Massively Open Online Social Experiments with
Volunteer Science", Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Online
Behavioral Experiments (COBE) at the ACM Conference on Economics and
Computation, 2015.
J. Radford, B. Keegan, K. Ognyanova, B. Welles, J. Hoye,
C. Karbeyaz, W. Meleis, David Lazer, Validating Massively Open Online Social Experiments with Volunteer Science, Online Experiments: Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges panel of the
Conference of the International Communication Association, 2015.
Volunteer Science as a Platform for Studying Team Processes and
Performance, Cooperative Team Networks Workshop at the
International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), 2014.
Volunteer Science: A Crowd Sourced Platform for Studying Human
Behavior, MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), 2014.
B. Keegan, K. Ognyanova, B. Welles, C. Riedl, C. Karbeyaz,
W. Meleis, David Lazer, J. Radford and J. Hoye, Conducting
Massively-Open Online Social Experiments with Volunteer Science,
Citizen + X: Volunteer-Based Crowdsourcing in Science, Public Health,
and Government, papers from the Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP),
pp. 19-20, 2014.
B. Keegan, C. Karbeyaz, B. Foucault Welles, J. Hoye, W. Meleis,
and David Lazer, Information Navigation and Hidden Profile Experiments
on the Volunteer Science Web Laboratory, International Sunbelt Social
Network Conference (Sunbelt XXXIV), Florida, US, 2014.
B. Keegan, C. Karbeyaz, J. Hoye, W. Meleis, D. Lazer,
Science: Online Behavioral Experiments Using Facebook as a Subject
Pool." International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt
XXXIII), Hamburg, Germany, 2013.
B. Keegan, C. Karbeyaz, J. Hoye, W. Meleis, D. Lazer,
"Volunteer Science: Behavioral Experiments on Networks with Facebook Users." International Workshop and Conference on Network Science (NetSci). Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013.
J. Zhang and W. Meleis, Adaptive Grid Computing for MPI
Applications, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference
on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Cambridge, MA,
C. Wu and W. Meleis, Function Approximation Using Tile and
Kanerva Coding For Multi-Agent Systems, Workshop on Adaptive
Learning Agents (ALA), held in conjunction with the 8th
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems (AAMAS), Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
S. Abraham, W. Meleis, and I. Baev, Efficient backtracking
instruction schedulers,
Intl. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (IEEE/ACM), Philadelphia, PA, 2000, pp. 301-308.
J. Kalamatianos, A. Khalafi, D. Kaeli, B. Calder, and W. Meleis,
Program Reordering Using Estimated Call Graphs, DEC Technical
Journal, Special Issue on Programming Languages and Tools,
accepted 1999.
M. Leeser, W. Meleis, M. Vai, S. Chiricescu, W. Xu, and
P. Zavracky, Rothko: A
Three Dimensional FPGA, IEEE Design and Test Magazine,
Spring 1998, pp. 16-23.
I. Baev and W. Meleis, Total Weighted Completion Time
Scheduling for Superblocks, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics,
January 1998.
J. Kalamatanos, A. Khalafi, D. Kaeli, and W. Meleis, Memory
Performance Tuning Using Graph-based Analysis, Workshop on Pre-Hardware
Performance Analysis Techniques, June 1998.
K. Bowers, D. Kaeli, and W. Meleis, Performance Optimization
of the Forth Interpreter, Northeastern University Technical Report
ECE-CEG-98-022, 1998.
W. Meleis, M. Leeser, P. Zavracky, and M. Vai, Architectural
Design of a Three-Dimensional FPGA, Workshop on Field-Programmable
Logic and Applications (FPL), 1997.