@INPROCEEDINGS{Moro2204:Boosting, AUTHOR="Paolo Fiore and Eugenio Moro and Ilario Filippini and Antonio Capone and Danilo {De Donno}", TITLE="Boosting {5G} mm-Wave {IAB} Reliability with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces", BOOKTITLE="2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (IEEE WCNC 2022)", ADDRESS="Austin, USA", DAYS=10, MONTH=apr, YEAR=2022, KEYWORDS="reconfigurable intelligent surfaces; mm-Wave; IAB network planning", ABSTRACT="The introduction of the mm-Wave spectrum into 5G NR promises to bring about unprecedented data throughput to future mobile wireless networks but comes with several challenges. Network densification has been proposed as a viable solution to increase RAN resilience, and the newly introduced IAB is considered a key enabling technology with compelling cost-reducing opportunities for such dense deployments. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) have recently gained extreme popularity as they can create Smart Radio Environments by EM wave manipulation and behave as inexpensive passive relays. However, it is not yet clear what role this technology can play in a large RAN deployment. With the scope of filling this gap, we study the blockage resilience of realistic mm-Wave RAN deployments that use IAB and RIS. The RAN layouts have been optimised by means of a novel mm-Wave planning tool based on MILP formulation. Numerical results show how adding RISs to IAB deployments can provide high blockage resistance levels while significantly reducing the overall network planning cost" }