NUCAR Picnic 2017 Celebration
August 25, 2017
We had a great time at Cochituate State Park. We enjoyed some
great food, kayaking, volleyball, spikeball, and many other activities.
Thank you to
Dr. Kaeli for providing delicious hamburgers and hot dogs, and to
all the team including our alumni and families, for joining us in this beautiful
Ben and Daniel at RISE 2017
April 13, 2017
Ben and Daniel presented their work at RISE. Ben received
the undergraduate computer and information science outstanding
student research award for his work on 3D Level Set Segmentation.
Beam Testing at LANSCE
March 2, 2017
UFRGS, NEU, LANL, and Waterloo University team doing
beam reliability testing at LANSCE.
Yash at ICPE'15 conference
February 4, 2015
Yash presented the paper
NUPAR: A Benchmark Suite for Modern GPU Architectures at ICPE'15 held at Austin, Texas. Slides are available
Charu awarded travel grant from CRA-W
January 29, 2015
Charu has been awarded travel grant to attend
CRA-Women Grad
Cohort Workshop to be held in San Francisco, CA on April 10-11, 2015. Congratulations to Charu!
Fanny's proposal selected for GTC 2015
November 20, 2014
Fanny's proposal "Real-Time Image Segmentation for Homeland Security Exploiting Hyper-Q
Concurrency" has been selected for GPU Technology Conference (GTC) to be held at San Jose, California
from March 17 - 20, 2015. The details of her session (#S5510) can be found in the listing
Congratulations to Fanny!
Neel and Tushar win Best Poster Award
November 7, 2014
Neel and Tushar's poster titled “Scalable Open-source Side-channel Evaluation Platform for Cryptographic
Devices” selected by ACSC (Advanced Cyber Security Center) Annual Conference attendees as a Best Cyber
Security Solution for 2014. Congratulations to them!
Yash at SBAC-PAD'14 conference
October 22, 2014
Yash presented his paper
Runtime Support for Adaptive Spatial Partitioning and Inter-Kernel
Communication on GPUs at SBAC-PAD'14 held at Paris, France. Slides are available
Paper accepted in ICPE'15 conference
October 15, 2014
More details of the paper coming soon
Prof. Kaeli's interview on FOX news
October 10, 2014
Prof. Kaeli talks to FOX news, Boston about the importance of cyber security and the role of Northeastern University in preparing next generation cyber professionals. Watch his full interview:
Esra defended her PhD thesis
October 9, 2014
Esra defender her PhD thesis titled: Learning from Sequential Data for Anomaly Detection. Congratulations to Esra!
Fanny at ICCVG'14 conference
September 16, 2014
Fanny presented her paper
Accelerated Connected Component Labeling using CUDA Framework at ICCVG'14 held at Warsaw, Poland. Slides are available
Leiming at HUCAA'14 workshop
September 12, 2014
Leiming presented his paper
GPU-accelerated HMM for Speech Recognition at HUCAA'14 held at Minneapolis, MN. Slides are available
Paper accepted in MICRO'14 conference
September 9, 2014
More details of the paper coming soon
Paper accepted in SBAC'14 conference
August 1, 2014
Paper titled "Runtime Support for Adaptive Spatial Partitioning and Inter-Kernel
Communication on GPUs" submitted by Yash Ukidave, Perhaad Mistry, Charu Kalra, Dana Schaa and David Kaeli,
accepted in SBAC'14. Congratulations to the authors!
Xiangyu defended his Master's thesis
July 31, 2014
Xiangyu defended his Master's thesis!
Esra defended her PHD proposal
July 30, 2014
Esra defended her PHD proposal!
Women Who CUDA
July 25, 2014
Fanny and Charu feature on NVIDIA's Women Who CUDA spotlight!
More information is available
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0
March 10, 2014
Prof. Kaeli discusses about the new upcoming book
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0 at CGO '14 held in Orlando, Florida.
Watch his interview
NSF Grant
Sep 30, 2013
We got NSF grant for a new project: CSR: Small: Power Efficient Emerging Heterogeneous Platforms.
This project addresses the problem of design space exploration for high-performance embedded computing platforms. Such systems are increasingly heterogeneous, and include powerful multi-core microprocessors (CPUs), many-core Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). Despite the availability of these powerful platforms, many barriers exist for application developers and platform designers to reap the full benefits of these devices. Some of these challenges include finding effective mappings of applications to a wide range of heterogeneous compute platforms and defining/exploring the most appropriate memory interfaces.
More information is available
NSF Grant
Sep 30, 2013
We got NSF grant for a new project: developing a common free testbed, called TeSCASE, for side-channel analysis and security evaluation of cryptosystems, targets research and development in hardware security.
Analyzing side-channel information and exploiting it in side-channel attacks is expected to contribute in the understanding of the design, implementation, and new countermeasures. The work facilitates research on developing provable (side-channel analysis) SCA-resilient cryptographic systems that could lead to discoveries and inventions in multiple aspects of hardware security, fundamental side-channel analysis modeling, effective countermeasures, leakage-resilient cryptography, and fields products in security evaluation. This work develops an open holistic testbed for analyzing a system?s side-channel leakage and hardware security. While the testbed hardware platform services various side-channel leakage acquisitions, the software platform controls the hardware interface, simulates designs at different levels, estimates side-channel leakage, analyzes the leaked information, and evaluates hardware security with multiple metrics. The side channel analysis library provides a suite of known side-channel attacks and countermeasures.
More information is available
Jenny defended her PHD thesis
Sep 26, 2013
Jenny successfully defended her PHD thesis: Classification Of Malware Persistence Mechanisms using Low-artifact Disk Instrumentation. Congratulations to Jenny!
New Webpages Launched
Aug 12, 2013
Our new website is here!
Perhaad defended his PHD proposal
Aug 12, 2013
Perhaad defended his PHD proposal!
Dana defended his PHD proposal
Aug 12, 2013
Dana defended his PHD proposal!
Ayse defended her PHD proposal
Aug 12, 2013
Ayze defended her PHD proposal!