Ph.D. Student in Computer Engineering
Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
460 ISEC, 805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120
409 Dana Research Center, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115
Andrea Lacava is a Ph.D. student in Computer Engineering at the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things currently enrolled in a double degree program with Northeastern University, USA, under Prof. Tommaso Melodia and Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy, under Prof. Francesca Cuomo. In 2020, he obtained his Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at Sapienza. His main research efforts are focused on enabling Intelligent nextG Cellular Networks through the Open RAN architecture and on studying the security of Bluetooth Low Energy networks.
Network Security
Internet of Things
Wireless Sensor Networks
A. Feraudo, S. Maxenti, A. Lacava, P. Bellavista, M. Polese, T. Melodia, "xDevSM: Streamlining xApp Development With a Flexible Framework for O-RAN E2 Service Models," Proc. of ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH), Washington, DC, USA, November 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]
C. Robinson, A. Lacava, P. Johari, F. Cuomo, T. Melodia, "TwiNet: Connecting Real World Networks to their Digital Twins Through a Live Bidirectional Link,", in Proc. of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, December 2024. [bibtex]
A. Lacava, M. Bordin, M. Polese, R. Sivaraj, T. Zugno, F. Cuomo, T. Melodia "ns-O-RAN: Simulating O-RAN 5G Systems in ns-3" Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on ns-3, WNS3 ’23, (New York, NY, USA), p. 35–44, Association for Computing Machinery, June 2023 [pdf] [bibtex]
A. Lacava, M. Polese, R. Sivaraj, R. Soundrarajan, B. S. Bhati, T. Singh, T. Zugno, F. Cuomo, T. Melodia "Programmable and Customized Intelligence for Traffic Steering in 5G Networks Using Open RAN Architectures" IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing January 2023 [pdf] [bibtex]
A. Lacava, V. Zottola, A. Bonaldo, F. Cuomo, and S. Basagni, " Securing Bluetooth Low Energy networking: An overview of security procedures and threats," Computer Networks, May 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]
A. Lacava, E. Giacomini, F. D’Alterio and F. Cuomo, "Intrusion Detection System for Bluetooth Mesh Networks: Data gathering and experimental evaluations" in SPT-IoT 2021: The Fifth Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPT-IoT 2021) (Kassel, Germany), Mar. 2021 [pdf] [bibtex]
E. Giacomini, F. D’Alterio, A. Lacava, and F. Cuomo, "Blues: A self-organizing BLE mesh-network paradigm for IoT Environments,” in2020 IEEE 21st International Symposium on", "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM), pp. 409–414, Aug 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]
A. Petroni, A. Lacava, P. Locatelli, G. Nero, M. Pediconi, and F. Cuomo "Exploiting edge computing for adaptive data update in Internet of Things networks", in AmI (Workshops/Posters), pp. 27–37, 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]
A. Lacava, G. Nero, P. Locatelli, F. Cuomo, T. Melodia "Demo abstract: BE-Mesh: Bluetooth Low Energy mesh networking", Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Paris, France, 29 April-2 May 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]
Advisor: Prof. Tommaso Melodia
Advisor: Prof. Francesca Cuomo