Northeastern University Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems Lab

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Nicole is a M.S. Student visiting from Polytechnic of Milan, where she is enrolled in the course of "ICT Engineering, Business and Innovation". She received her B.S. in Computer and Automatic Engineering from La Sapienza, Rome. She is currently working on her Master thesis that focuses on Machine Learning solutions to improve the energy efficiency of OpenRAN networks.

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning

  • Data Analysis

  • Telecommunication

  • Entrepreneurship


  • Forecast for Satellite Recommendation System: project that provides an API for retrieving weather forecasts based on specified parameters and geographic locations. The API utilizes data from the Open-Meteo service to provide accurate and up-to-date weather information.

  • Intersection AI-powered web-site: project that consists in the design of a website that leverages an AI model to match workers and companies. The website aims to facilitate the process of connecting job seekers with suitable job opportunities.

  • Big and Unstructured Data Project: project that aims to compare different NoSQL database technologies (Neo4j, MongoDB and Apache Spark) implementing a bibliographic database storage solution capable of supporting a large scale data set containing different types of publications.

  • Study of American Sign Language through the use of Machine Learning: alphabet recognition and live streaming application : project that consists in the translation of 29 gestures in real time into a sequence of words that appears and is updated live on a window through the use of a video camera that extracts the frames that are passed to a model based on an already trained neural network which computes the prediction.

  • URBS: project that consists in the design of a web site with a client and a server side for the creation and search of events and for the publicity of cultural points of interest of various cities.

  • Network configurations and protocols analysis: project which consists of designing and configuring a LAN network with both OSPF and RIP routing protocols and analyzing the service recovery time following a failure of some routers. Capture and analysis of packet exchange and routing.
