Keynote Speech, European Wireless 2018, June 2018.
Keynote Speech, IEEE Wispnet 2018, March 2018.
Invited Talk, IEEE ICNC 2018, March 2018.
Invited Talk, NSF Workshop on Underwater Communications, March 2018.
Invited Seminar, Ohio State University.
Keynote Speech, European Wireless 2015 Conference, Budapest, Hungary May 2015.
Invited Talk, TTI/Vanguard “Biotech and Beyond,”, San Diego, CA, February 2015.
Invited Seminar, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, February 2015.
Invited Seminar, Ultra Maritime Digital Communications Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, Nov. 2014.
Invited Seminar, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, September 2014.
Keynote Speech, IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications (COLCOM), Bogota’, Colombia, June 2014.
Invited Talk, RFID Journal LIVE Conference and Exhibition, April 2014.
Invited Seminar, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), January 2014.
Invited Seminar, University of Padova, Italy, December 2013
Invited Seminar, University of Rome La Sapienza, November 2013
Invited Seminar, University of Rome Tor Vergata, November 2013.
"Towards Ultrasonic Networking for Implantable Wireless Sensors," Invited Seminar, Rice University, September 2013.
"Energy-efficient Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks through Compressed-sensing Enabled Video Streaming," invited lecture at 2013 GreenComNet Summer School at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, May 2013.
"How to Win an NSF CAREER Award (and learn a few things along the way)," Invited Talk at NSF CAREER Workshop, March 2013, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
"Ultrasonic Wide Band: MAC and Rate Adaptation for Ultrasonically Networked Implantable Sensors," Invited Talk at University of Michigan-Dearborn, February 2013.
"Compressed-sensing-based video streaming for wireless multimedia sensor networks," invited Talk at Seoul National University, South Korea, June 2012.
"Underwater Sensor Networks," invited Talk at the First International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR), Kerala, India, December 18-21, 2011.
"Towards Software-defined Underwater Networks - Trends and Opportunities for Underwater Networks and Systems," invited panel at ACM WUWNet 2011, Seattle, WA, December 2011.
"Cooperative Routing and Spread-Spectrum Channelization in Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks," invited talk at TTCP C3I TP6 Workshop on Tactical Communications, SPAWAR, San Diego, October 2010.
"Exploiting Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks," Summer Faculty Presentation, Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY, July 2010.
"Experimental Research: Fashionable or Fundamental?," invited Panel at IEEE SECON 2010, Boston, MA, June 2010.
"Joint Routing, Relay Selection, and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks," invited seminar at Toronto Networking Seminar Series, University of Toronto, February 2010..
"Cognitive Radio Networks", Tutorial at ACM Intl. Conf. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, October 2009.
"Will Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks Ever Be Feasible?", Panel Moderator at First Intl. Conf. on Ad Hoc Networks, (ADHOCNETS 2009)
"The Role of Cross-layer Design in the Future Wireless Internet," Invited Panel, Intl. Workshop on Cross-layer Design (IWCLD), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), June 11-12, 2009.
"Routing and Medium Access Control Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," Graduate Seminar Series, University at Buffalo, February 2009.
"Cross-layer Protocol Design and Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks," invited graduate course, December 8-12, 2008, Politecnico Di Milano, Italy.
"Routing and Medium Access Control Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," invited seminar, 18 December 2008, Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
"A Tutorial on Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks," invited mini-course at Escuela Politecnica del Ejercito, Quito, Ecuador, June 2008.
"Research Challenges for Next-Generation Wireless Sensor Networks," invited talk at the IEEE Rochester joint Communication and Aerospace Chapter, February 2008.
"Cross Layer Quality of Service Provisioning in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks", IEEE Upstate New York Workshop on Communications, Sensors, and Networking 2007, Syracuse, NY, November 2007.
"Future Research Trends in
Wireless Sensor Networks," Graduate
Seminar Series, University at Buffalo, October 2007.
"Future Research Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks," Invited Plenary Talk at IEEE Colcom 2007, Bogota', Colombia, September 2007.
"Wireless Multimedia Sensor
Networks," Half-day invited
tutorial at IEEE Colcom 2007, Bogota', Colombia, September 2007.