Professor DiMarzio's group Work on Development of All-weather Lidar

ECE Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio's group is collaborating with colleagues at Draper Laboratories on the development of an all-weather Lidar. The collaboration, built on Professor DiMarzio's experience in Lidar and light scattering, is highlighted in a recent press release.

The featured image shows former members of Professor DiMarzio's group, now working at Draper, Zachary Hoffman (BS 2010, MS 2014, Ph.D. 2018) and Principal Investigator Joseph Hollmann (BS 2003, Ph.D. 2014), testing a prototype in an ice hockey rink being used as a large fog chamber. Work in Professor DiMarzio's group is being performed by MS candidate Danny Zhao, with help from ECE undergraduate Ethan Axelowitz.


Related Departments:Electrical & Computer Engineering