Faculty and Staff Directory

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240 Items found

Emad Aboelela

Teaching Professor and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Embedded Systems, Quality-of-Service for Multimedia Networking, Computer Networks Management and Design.

Gregory D. Abowd

Dean of the College of Engineering, 
Office of the Dean

Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, Software Engineering

Ali Abur

University Distinguished Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Power system monitoring, estimation and optimization, fault location and identification in power grids
Derya Aksaray

Derya Aksaray

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Robotics, control theory, formal methods, machine learning, and aerospace systems
Arwa Alkhateeb

Arwa Alkhateeb

Associate Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Christopher Amato

Affiliated Faculty, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
Mahshid Amirabadi

Mahshid Amirabadi

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Design, modeling and control of power converters, power electronics for renewable energy systems, microgrids, variable speed drives and wireless power transfer

Joseph Ayers

Affiliated Faculty, 
Bioengineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Development of underwater robots for civil infrastructure and explosive sensing; neurophysiology and behavior biomimetics
Omar Badreldin

Omar Badreldin

Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Director, 
Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering Programs

predicting software evolution using a variety of approaches, including software quality predictive analysis, with the goal of enhancing upfront software designs, and enabling effective continuous design refactoring
Eduardo Baena

Eduardo Baena

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 
Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things

AI-based management of cellular networks, with a focus on the advancements in 5G/6G, cloud and edge computing, OpenRAN, NTN networks, and LEO edge technologies.

Stefano Basagni

Associate Dean of the Global Engineering Campus, 
Office of the Dean

Wireless networks; ad hoc networks; underwater and terrestrial sensor networking; protocol design and testing

Timothy Bickmore

Affiliated Faculty, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Human-Computer Interaction, Health Informatics, Dialog systems, Conversational agents

Dana Brooks

Research Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Biomedical signal and image processing; medical imaging; statistical signal processing; inverse problems; electrocardiography; bio-optical imaging; magnetic resonance imaging; transcranial neuromodulation; estimation of protein conformations from Xray scattering; regularization; optimization

Noah Burnett

Assistant Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Ahmed Busnaina

WL Smith Chair and University Distinguished Professor, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Nanomanufacturing; nano and microscale printing of sensors and electronics; nano and micro-scale defects in semiconductor manufacturing; high rate nanomanufacturing; power electronics, RF, NEMS devices and nanomaterials based nanoelectronics, flexible and hybrid electronics

Octavia Camps

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Cristian Cassella

Cristian Cassella

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Acoustic resonators, nonreciprocal components, zero-power sensors for IoT, nonlinear dynamics, ultrasonic transducers

Pau Closas

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Statistical and array signal processing; estimation and detection theory; Bayesian inference; stochastic filtering; robust statistics; and game theory, with applications to positioning systems (GNSS and indoor technologies); wireless communications, and mathematical biology
Campus banner with NU logo

Tracey Coetzee

Executive Assistant, Institute Research & Operations Director, 
Institute of Experiential Robotics

Marco Colangelo

Marco Colangelo

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applied superconductivity, single-photon detectors, cryogenic devices, and nanofabrication technology

Sally Conant

Senior Co-op Coordinator, Global Engineering & Associate Director, Global, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering, 
Global Engineering Co-op

Patrick Connolly

Assistant Director of ECE Labs & Safety Officer, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gene Cooperman

Affiliated Faculty, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer systems, high-performance computing, transparent checkpoint-restart, model checking