Northeastern Undergrad Team Places at Pfizer Digital Medicine Challenge

Congratulations to Northeastern’s Husky Hacks team for competing in CMG, Computer Measurement Group’s Need for Speed Hackathon and coming in tied for second place in the Pfizer Digital Medicine Challenge, a binary classification problem on ambient sound data. The team trained a Deep Learning model on GPU using MATLAB, leveraging continuous wavelet transforms to represent audio. The team’s neural network achieved good accuracy, and inference speed that improved on the example provided by organizers by a factor of 7!

The Husky Hacks team is:

Jake Howard Computer Engineering/Computer Science BS’22
Anu Kandasamy Computer Science/Cognitive Psy BS’21
Alexei Krokhmal Cybersecurity BS’22
Katie Peters Business Admin/Design BS’22
Manvi Tandon Computer Science/Design BS’2

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