Department Directory

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15 Items found

Octavia Camps

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Rachael Cancian

Rachael Cancian

Director – Institute Research & Operations, 
Institute for Experiential Robotics

Cristian Cassella

Cristian Cassella

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Acoustic resonators, nonreciprocal components, zero-power sensors for IoT, nonlinear dynamics, ultrasonic transducers

Pau Closas

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Statistical and array signal processing; estimation and detection theory; Bayesian inference; stochastic filtering; robust statistics; and game theory, with applications to positioning systems (GNSS and indoor technologies); wireless communications, and mathematical biology
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Tracey Coetzee

Executive Assistant, Institute Research & Operations Director, 
Institute of Experiential Robotics

Marco Colangelo

Marco Colangelo

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applied superconductivity, single-photon detectors, cryogenic devices, and nanofabrication technology

Sally Conant

Senior Co-op Coordinator, Global Engineering & Associate Director, Global, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering, 
Global Engineering Co-op

Gene Cooperman

Affiliated Faculty, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer systems, high-performance computing, transparent checkpoint-restart, model checking