Faculty and Staff Directory
27 Items found

Hessam Mahdavifar
Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Coding and information theory, wireless communications, data privacy and security, privacy-preserving computing and learning

Bala Maheswaran
COE Distinguished Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering and First Year Engineering Program Current Research: Experiential Engineering Education via Innovation and Invention. Focus on the Technical Design, Energy System, and Medical Engineering (MedEng) Design Innovations via Prototyping and Proof of Concept.
Past Research: High-Temperature Superconductors, Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, and Engineering Physics Education.
- mahes@coe.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.5905

Lee Makowski
jointly appointed in Bioengineering & Chemistry and Chemical Biology Image and signal processing as applied to biophysical data designed to answer fundamental questions about the molecular basis of living systems, and progression of Alzheimer's Disease
- l.makowski@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.3006

Michael Marcus
Principal Research Scientist,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Spectrum policy to encourage technical innovation
Terahertz spectrum technology and spectrum policy
technology for spectrum monitoring and spectrum enforcement

Edwin Marengo
Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Theoretical and applied electromagnetics, theoretical and applied optics, scattering theory, wave inverse problems, noniterative inverse scattering, physics-based signal processing and imaging, change detection theory and applications, compressive sensing, electromagnetic information theory, analysis and design of optical and quantum holographic detectors
- emarengo@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.3358

Julius Marpaung
Teaching Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Architecture, Engineering & Law, Torts, Intellectual Property Law

Jose Martinez Lorenzo
jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering Devices, circuits and sensing; antenna analysis, modeling, design, and optimization; subsurface scattering analysis; computational methods of electromagnetics; novel radar system specification and design; explosives detection
- j.martinez-lorenzo@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.6835

Nicol McGruer
Electrical and Computer Engineering MEMS, NEMS, RF MEMS; nanotechnology; micro/nanofabrication; microsystems; microrelay; nanoswitch; microspectrometer; microfluidics; organic FETs, organic solar cells
- mcgruer@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.2066

Stephen W. McKnight
Professor Emeritus,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Submillimeter devices and materials, optical and infrared materials and systems, magnetic materials, engineering education.

Iraz Medhi
Senior Co-op Coordinator and Associate Director,
Cooperative Education - i.medhi@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.6242

Waleed Meleis
Vice Provost for Graduate Education,
Office of the Provost Combinatorial optimization, function approximation for large-scale machine learning, platforms for large-scale social experimentation, assistive technology

Tommaso Melodia
William Lincoln Smith Professor,
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things Modeling, optimization, and experimental evaluation of wireless networked systems; Networked implantable medical systems; Multimedia sensor networks; Secure tactical cognitive radio networks; Underwater networks; Mobile cloud computing
- melodia@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.4159

Ningfang Mi
Associate Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Capacity planning; Resource Management; Storage Systems; NVMe Flash Memory Devices; Distributed Data Processing Scheduling; Cloud Computing; Performance Evaluation; Workload Characterization; Simulation
- ningfang@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.3028

Ennio Mingolla
Affiliated Faculty,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Development and empirical testing of neural network models of visual perception, notably the segmentation, grouping, and contour formation processes of early and middle vision in primates, and on the transition of these models to technological applications
- e.mingolla@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.5811

Sunil Mittal
Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Quantum photonics, topological photonics, nonlinear photonics, two-dimensional materials

Hossein Mosallaei
Electrical and Computer Engineering Electromagnetics and optics, quantum systems, nanoscale materials and metamaterials, nanoantennas, THz-IR Devices, multiscale computation and mathematical-numerical models
- hosseinm@ece.northeastern.edu
- 617.373.7354

Lorraine Mountain
Assistant Dean & Senior Co-op Coordinator,
Cooperative Education Departmental Programs: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Data Analytics, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Systems, Engineering Management, Engineering Public Policy, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Robotics, and Sustainable Building Systems.
- l.mountain@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.2966

Amy Mueller
Associate Professor,
jointly appointed in Civil and Environmental Engineering & Marine and Environmental Sciences Biogeochemistry of natural and engineered systems; in-situ sensors and instrumentation for high-resolution process characterization; remediation and sustainability in natural and built coastal environments; sensor-driven closed-loop controls for resource optimization in engineered systems; signal processing and machine learning, embedded systems, and sensor networks
- a.mueller@northeastern.edu
- 617.373.8131

Sarma Mulukutla
Professor Emeritus,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Electric Machines; Energy Conversion; Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Devices; Power Systems: Simulation, Analysis, and Optimum Control