Northeastern Cyber Defense Team Places 2nd in Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition

Northeastern's Cyber Defense Team earned second place in the Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition held last month in Syracuse, NY.

The team is led by ECE undergraduate Alex Interrante-​​Grant, E’18, who described participating in the event as "one of the coolest things I’ve ever done at North­eastern.” Interrante-Grant recently won an NSF Scholarship for Service.

Source: News@Northeastern

A medium-​​sized health insur­ance com­pany fires its IT staff, citing gross incom­pe­tence, and then hires a new team to defend its net­work against a band of highly skilled hackers looking for pri­vate data.

This sim­u­lated sce­nario played out at the 12th annual North­east Col­le­giate Cyber Defense Com­pe­ti­tion, held last month in Syra­cuse, New York.

Stu­dents from 10 schools—including North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, Cham­plain Col­lege, and the Rochester Insti­tute of Technology—assumed respon­si­bility of the health care company’s IT oper­a­tions. For three days, they were chal­lenged to mit­i­gate attacks against the organization’s data; respond to busi­ness requests; and main­tain the company’s oper­a­tional needs, from e-​​mail to e-​​commerce.

Northeastern’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the com­pe­ti­tion dove­tailed with the university’s focus on solving global chal­lenges in secu­rity, one of the university’s three main research themes. (Cyber­at­tacks rep­re­sent one of the 21st-century’s grand chal­lenges, costing the global economy more than one hun­dred bil­lion dol­lars per year).

Com­peting in this event is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done at North­eastern,” said Alex Interrante-​​Grant, E’18, the cap­tain of Northeastern’s cyber defense team. “It’s a great oppor­tu­nity for anyone who’s inter­ested in cyber­se­cu­rity work.”

The expe­ri­en­tial learning oppor­tu­nity proved invalu­able for Northeastern’s team, which placed second in the com­pe­ti­tion. One of the biggest chal­lenges required the North­eastern stu­dents to draw on the hacking skills honed in weekly team drills to thwart attacks from real-​​word cyberde­fense experts.

Team founder and coach Kevin Amorin noted that his squad of IT whizzes is often asked to assume the pro­to­typ­ical hacker’s mindset, attacking vir­tual envi­ron­ments in sim­u­lated sce­narios and then safe­guarding the sys­tems against future strikes. “We spend time thinking and acting like hackers in order to better under­stand how to defend,” said Amorin, a part-​​time lec­turer in the Col­lege of Com­puter and Infor­ma­tion Sci­ence who teaches a course on net­work secu­rity prac­tices. “In this com­pe­ti­tion, we have industry-​​level hackers going after the team for close to 20 hours, so we need to be able to iden­tify what they’re doing if we want to stop it.”

His teaching methods have served his team well. Since founding the group in 2008, his cyber­squad has twice won the North­east regionals and beat out more than 80 uni­ver­si­ties for the national title in 2010.

Interrante-​​Grant, a second-​​year com­puter engi­neering major, noted that his expe­ri­ence in the group has inspired him to apply for the Cyber­Corps: Schol­ar­ship for Ser­vice pro­gram at North­eastern, which aims to edu­cate stu­dents in infor­ma­tion assur­ance and cybersecurity.

I’m def­i­nitely inter­ested in a career in cyber­se­cu­rity research,” said Interrante-​​Grant, who is cur­rently applying his cyber defense skills to his co-​​op work at the Raytheon Com­pany. “Cyber­se­cu­rity is one of the most inter­esting areas in tech­nology because new traps come up every single day.”

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