Ratilal-Makris Selected to Serve on Ocean Research Advisory Panel

purnima ratilal makris

ECE Professor Purnima Ratilal-Makris is one of eighteen members selected for the newly formed Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP), who will serve as advisors to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the interagency Ocean Policy Committee (OPC). It is expected that the Panel will help carry out the administration’s goals regarding the Blue economy, resilience, ecosystem health, and renewable ocean energy.

The ORAP’s responsibilities include advising the OPC on:

  • policies and procedures to implement the National Oceanographic Partnership Program;
  • matters relating to national oceanographic science, engineering, facilities or resource requirements;
  • improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the ocean sciences and related fields;
  • national ocean research priorities; and
  • additional responsibilities that the OPC considers appropriate.

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