Dimitrios Koutsonikolas


Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things
Northeastern University

Address: 805 Columbus Ave., 129 ISEC, Boston, MA 02115
Office: 424 ISEC
Phone: 617-3738046
Fax: 617-3737765
Email: d.koutsonikolas@northeastern.edu

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University. Between January 2011 and December 2020, I was in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University at Buffalo, first as an Assistant Professor (2011-2016) and then as an Associate Professor (2016-2020) and Director of Graduate Studies (2018-2020). I received my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University in 2010. Previously, I received my Bachelor's degree from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

My research interests are broadly in experimental wireless networking and mobile computing, with a current focus on 5G and Beyond networks and latency-critical applications (AR, VR, CAVs) over 5G, millimeter-wave networking, and energy-aware protocol design for smartphones. I lead the NU Wireless Networking and Systems Lab (NU WiNS Lab). I have served as the General Co-Chair for IEEE LANMAN 2024, IEEE WoWMoM 2023, and ACM EWSN 2018 and TPC Co-Chair for IEEE LANMAN 2023, IEEE HPSR 2023, IEEE DCOSS 2022, IEEE WoWMoM 2021, and IFIP Networking 2021. I received the IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award in 2019, the UB Teaching Innovation Award in 2018, the NSF CAREER Award in 2016, the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Senior Teacher of the Year Award in 2017 and the Early Career Researcher of the Year Award in 2015, and the UB CSE Senior Researcher of the Year Award in 2019 and Early Career Faculty Teaching Award in 2015.








[NU WiNS Lab]




Current projects at NU

Past projects at NU

Past projects at UB

Past projects at Purdue

Selected Publications [Full list: by type, by year]

5G networks and applications

  1. A Large-Scale Study of the Potential of Multi-Carrier Access in the 5G Era, PAM 2025
  2. Demystifying Resource Allocation Policies in Operational 5G mmWave Networks, IEEE/ACM ToN 2024
  3. How Mature is 5G Deployment? A Cross-Sectional, Year-Long Study of 5G Uplink Performance, IFIP/IEEE Networking 2024
  4. An Open, Programmable, Multi-vendor 5G O-RAN Testbed with NVIDIA ARC and OpenAirInterface, IEEE INFOCOM NG-OPERA 2024
  5. Performance of Cellular Networks on the Wheels, ACM IMC 2023
  6. Can 5G mmWave Enable Edge-Assisted Real-Time Object Detection for Augmented Reality?, IEEE MASCOTS 2023
  7. An In-Depth Study of Uplink Performance of 5G mmWave Networks, ACM SIGCOMM 5G-MeMU 2022
  8. Can 5G mmWave Support Multi-User AR Apps?, PAM 2022

AR, VR, video streaming

  1. Spatial Video Streaming on Apple Vision Pro XR Headset, ACM HotMobile 2025
  2. Co-located Immersive Gaming: A Comparison between Augmented and Virtual Reality, IEEE CoG 2022
  3. Throughput Prediction on 60 GHz Mobile Devices for High-Bandwidth, Latency-Sensitive Applications, PAM 2021 (Best Dataset Award)
  4. An Analysis of Delay in Live 360o Video Streaming Systems, ACM Multimedia 2020
  5. How to Evaluate Mobile 360o Video Streaming Systems, ACM HotMobile 2020

Millimeter wave networking

  1. A Detailed Look at MIMO Performance in 60 GHz WLANs, SIGMETRICS 2022
  2. 802.11ad in Smartphones: Energy Efficiency, Spatial Reuse, and Impact on Applications, IEEE INFOCOM 2021
  3. LiBRA: Learning-Based Link Adaptation Leveraging PHY Layer Information in 60 GHz WLANs, ACM CoNEXT 2020
  4. Performance and Pitfalls of 60 GHz WLANs Based on Consumer-Grade Hardware, IEEE TMC 2020
  5. MuSher: An Agile Multipath-TCP Scheduler for Dual-Band 802.11ad/ac Wireless LANs, ACM MobiCom 2019, IEEE/ACM ToN 2022
  6. Multi-Stream Beam-Training for mmWave MIMO Networks, ACM MobiCom 2018
  7. LiSteer: mmWave Beam Acquisition and Steering by Tracking Indicator LEDs on Wireless APs, ACM MobiCom 2018
  8. Enabling Indoor Mobile Millimeter-wave Networks Based on Smart Reflect-arrays, IEEE INFOCOM 2018

LTE-WiFi co-existence

  1. DeMiLTE: Detecting and Mitigating LTE Interference for Enterprise Wi-Fi in 5 GHz, ACM MobiHoc 2019
  2. ELI: Empowering LTE with Interference Awareness in Unlicensed Spectrum, IEEE ICNP 2018
  3. BLU: Blue-printing Interference for Robust LTE Access in Unlicensed Spectrum, ACM CoNEXT 2017

Wireless/mobile sensing

  1. Automating CSI Measurement with UAVs: from Problem Formulation to Energy-Optimal Solution, IEEE INFOCOM 2019
  2. Towards Environment Independent Device Free Human Activity Recognition, ACM MobiCom 2018
  3. ABC: Enabling Smartphone Authentication with Built-in Camera, ISOC NDSS 2018
  4. Messages Behind the Sound: Real-Time Hidden Acoustic Signal Capture with Smartphones, ACM MobiCom 2016, IEEE TMC 2019
  5. WiDraw: Enabling Handsfree Drawing in the Air on Commodity WiFi Devices, ACM MobiCom 2015

IEEE 802.11 WLANs

  1. Is WiFi 802.11mc Fine Time Measurement Ready for Prime-Time Localization?, ACM WiNTECH 2022 (Best paper award)
  2. On Packet Loss Rates in Modern 802.11 Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2017
  3. Experimental Evaluation of WiFi Active Power/Energy Consumption Models for Smartphones, IEEE TMC 2017
  4. AmorFi: Amorphous WiFi Networks for High-density Deployments, ACM CoNEXT 2016
  5. A Walk on the Client Side: Monitoring Enterprise Wifi Networks Using Smartphone Channel Scans, IEEE INFOCOM 2016
  6. Power-Throughput Tradeoffs of 802.11n/ac in Smartphones, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
  7. Bringing Mobility-Awareness to WLANs using PHY layer information, ACM CoNEXT 2014
  8. Crowdsourcing Access Network Spectrum Allocation Using Smartphones, ACM HotNets 2014

Wireless mesh networks

  1. Comparison of Routing Metrics in 802.11n Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2013, IEEE TMC 2013
  2. CCACK: Efficient Network Coding Based Opportunistic Routing Through Cumulative Coded Acknowledgments, IEEE INFOCOM 2010, IEEE/ACM ToN 2011
  3. Pacifier: High-Throughput, Reliable Multicast without "Crying Babies" in Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2010, IEEE/ACM ToN 2012
  4. TDM MAC Protocol Design and Implementation for Wireless Mesh Networks, ACM CoNEXT 2008
  5. How To Evaluate Exotic Wireless Routing Protocols?, ACM HotNets 2008
  6. Practical Service Provisioning for Wireless Meshes, ACM CoNEXT 2007



PhD Students

PhD Graduates

MS Graduates (Thesis)


Courses at NU

Courses at UB





Professional Service
