My research interests are broadly in experimental wireless networking and mobile computing, with a current focus on 5G and Beyond networks and latency-critical applications (AR, VR, CAVs) over 5G, millimeter-wave networking, and energy-aware protocol design for smartphones. I lead the NU Wireless Networking and Systems Lab (NU WiNS Lab).
I have served as the General Co-Chair for IEEE LANMAN 2024, IEEE WoWMoM 2023, and ACM EWSN 2018 and TPC Co-Chair for IEEE LANMAN 2023, IEEE HPSR 2023, IEEE DCOSS 2022, IEEE WoWMoM 2021, and IFIP Networking 2021. I received the IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award in 2019, the UB Teaching Innovation Award in 2018, the NSF CAREER Award in 2016, the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Senior Teacher of the Year Award in 2017 and the Early Career Researcher of the Year Award in 2015, and the UB CSE Senior Researcher of the Year Award in 2019 and Early Career Faculty Teaching Award in 2015.
Li Sun (PhD 2017, Best CSE PhD Dissertation Award 2017, VMware, Inc.)
Ramanujan Kotikanyakadanam Sheshadri (PhD 2018, Nokia Bell Labs)
Swetank Kumar Saha (PhD 2019, Best CSE PhD Dissertation Award 2019, Apple Inc.)
Shivang Aggarwal (PhD 2022, Outstanding PhD Research Award -- Northeastern University College of Engineering 2022, HP Labs)
MS Graduates (Thesis)
Birender Singh (MS February 2020, Zscaler)
Moinak Ghoshal (MS May 2022, PhD student at NU)
Yufei Feng (MS August 2024)
Sizhe Wang (MS December 2024, PhD student at NU)
Courses at NU
EECE 7364: Mobile and Wireless Networks (Spring 2025).
EECE 7374: Fundamentals of Networks (Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2021).
EECE 2540: Fundamentals of Networks (Fall 2021).
EECE 7398: Wireless Network Systems and Applications (Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021).
Courses at UB
CSE 501 Introduction to Graduate Study in Computer Science & Engineering (Fall 2020, Fall 2019).
CSE 489/589 Modern Networking Concepts (Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Spring 2016, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012).
CSE 709 Seminar: Selected Topics in Wireless Networkings (Fall 2018).
CSE 709 Seminar: Millimeter-wave networking, sensing, and applications (Fall 2017, Spring 2017).
CSE 630 Advanced Wireless Networking Concepts (Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2013, Fall 2012).
CSE 709 Selected Topics in Cellular Networking (Spring 2016).
CSE 701/708 Seminar: Advanced Topics in Wireless Networks (Fall 2011, Spring 2011).
MPTCP: MPTCP source code for a ROG Phone 2,
from our WiNTECH 2021 paper.
MuSher: Source code of our Musher MPTCP scheduler and a set of MPTCP instrumentation tools
from our MobiCom 2019 paper.
Networking Programming Assignments: a set of three networking programming assignments, along with an automated tester/grader,
available to both students and instructors. The assignments have been used in CSE 489/589, a joint senior undergraduate/introductory graduate
class at UB.
An application-layer implementation of our reliable, high-throughput multicast
protocol (presented at INFOCOM 2009)
and the MORE protocol in Linux.
Multi-carrier cellular dataset collected over three cross-country drives from our PAM 2025 paper.
Fine-grained cellular throughput prediction dataset from our MASS 2024 paper.
Year-long cellular performance dataset from 8 cities from our Networking 2024 paper.
Cellular dataset under driving from our IMC 2023 paper.
Uplink 5G mmWave dataset from our 5G-MeMU 2022 paper.
60 GHz MIMO dataset from our SIGMETRICS 2022 paper.
Multi-user AR over 5G dataset from our PAM 2022 paper.