In the Media

91 Items found

Mar 16, 2016

App to Help Stop Deadly Epidemics

Computer Engineering PhD student Murphy Wonsick was featured in the Boston Herald for her blood sample tracking app that could help stop deadly epidemics in developing countries.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Photo of Taskin Padir

Mar 08, 2016

Building a Better Robotic Astronaut

ECE Associate Professor Taskin Padir and MIT's Russ Tedrake were featured in Boston Magazine for their work with NASA to enable the Valkyrie robot to complete tasks such as climbing ladders, operating tools, and collecting samples.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 25, 2016

Associated Press features ALERT Researcher’s work

ECE Professor & ALERT Director Michael Silevitch was quoted in a Associated Press article about URI professor Otto Gregory's work on explosive detectors.

Electrical & Computer Engineering