1460 Items found

Mar 04, 2016

Liu Awarded ONR Young Investigator Award

MIE & ECE Assistant Professor Yongmin Liu was awarded an Office of Naval Research 2016 Young Investigator Award for "Reconfigurable Metamaterials for Beam Steering, Imaging and Sensing at Infrared Frequencies".

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 04, 2016

Singh Featured on EOS Cover

ECE Professor Hanumant Singh’s research on “Drones in a Cold Climate” was featured on the front cover of Earth & Space Science News.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 04, 2016

ECE PhD Student Wins Award From China

ECE PhD Student Sheng Li has been named a winner of the Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad by the Chinese Government.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 03, 2016

ECE Professor Kaushik Chowdhury has been awarded grant worth $1M from the ONR

ECE Associate Professor Kaushik Chowdhury has been awarded a 5 year grant worth $1M from the U.S. Navy.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 03, 2016

REU for Data-Driven Discovery

ECE Professor David Kaeli was awarded a $360K NSF grant to develop an REU site to provide students exploring big data problems access to state-of-the-art high performance computing resources.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 02, 2016

Whale Feeding Hotspots

ECE Associate Professor Purnima Ratilal whose research was recently featured in Nature, has shown that whales tend to group into their own species when eating in large feeding areas.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 02, 2016

ECE Professor Miriam Leeser to Speak at WInnComm Conference in Virginia

ECE Professor Miriam Leeser will appear as a featured speaker at WInnComm ’16 in Reston, Virginia.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 24, 2016

Four COE researchers named Innovation Commercialization Seed Fund Winners

Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center (MTTC) has granted $360,000 to nine innovative projects across the Commonwealth. This program is funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and provides grants to university researchers to help them demonstrate the commercial viability of their technologies. Three of the Nine Organizations and researchers each receiving $40,000 in funding under the MA Seed […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering