1459 Items found

Dec 18, 2014

Improving Lives of Others

The student group Enabling Engineering have developed prototypes to help the elderly get up and an app to help kids with cere­bral palsy

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 12, 2014

A Passion for Acoustics

Victoria Suha, EE’17, combined her love of sound and science to found the NU chapter of the Acoustical Society of America.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 08, 2014

ACM Distinguished Scientist

ECE Professor David Kaeli was named a Distinguished Scientist by the Association for Computing Machinery for his significant contributions to the computing field.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 07, 2014

Kaeli Selected as ACM Distinguished Scientist

ECE Professor David Kaeli has been selected as an 2014 ACM Distinguished Scientist.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 07, 2014

Makris Elected Fellow of ASA

Purnima Ratilal-Makris was elected a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 14, 2014

Poster Winners from ACSC Conference

ECE undergraduate students Neel Shah, Tushar Swamy, and Harrison Dimmig, under the supervision of David Kaeli & Yunsi Fei, won Best Cyber Security Solution for 2014 at the ACSC Annual Conference.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 10, 2014

Makris elected Fellow of Acoustical Society of America

ECE associate professor Purnima Ratilal-Makris was selected as a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America for her work in acoustics and ultrasonics.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 10, 2014

Mosallaei Awarded Patent

ECE Associate Professor Hossein Mosallaei was awarded a patent for his designs of a “Tunable Negative Permeability Based Devices”

Electrical & Computer Engineering