1459 Items found

Jun 03, 2014

Engineering ideas to help people in need

The newly formed student group Enabling Engineering uses engineering principles to design and build projects to help individuals with disabilities.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 02, 2014

Fu Receives DURIP Award

ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu received a highly competitive $240K DOD Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Research Equipment award for major equipment for his SMILE lab.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 30, 2014

Student project targets memory impairment

People with memory-​​impairing dis­eases, such as Alzheimer’s, are not only losing their memories—they’re also losing their inde­pen­dence. And as memory loss worsens, they rely may more on others to help them with daily tasks. For a senior cap­stone project, a team of North­eastern Uni­ver­sity engi­neering stu­dents sought a way to help, knowing that more than 15 mil­lion Amer­i­cans […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 21, 2014

Can current stimulate smarts?

“I’m not yet con­vinced it’s going to work,” Misha Pavel, an expert in neural engi­neering and a
professor of prac­tice at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, said of the pos­si­bility of applying low-​​level
 cur­rent to the scalp as a means of improving intelligence. But that skep­ti­cism has only inspired Pavel and his col­leagues, including asso­ciate pro­fessor of 
elec­trical and com­puter […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 09, 2014

DiMarzio Professor of the Year

ECE Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio was selected Professor of the Year by Eta Kappa Nu for his outstanding contributions to the ECE department.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 07, 2014

VMM Intrusion Detection

ECE Professor David Kaeli and Associate Professor Jennifer Dy were awarded a patent for creating a Virtual Machine Monitor Based Intrusion Detection System. Dr. Kaeli leads the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Research Laboratory and his research is based on high-performance systems and software, while Dr. Dy has focused on developing algorithms for clustering data and improving support vector machines.   

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 29, 2014

A key to communication for locked-​​in syndrome patients

For the past seven years, one man receiving care from LifeStream, a Massachusetts-​​based human ser­vices orga­ni­za­tion, has only been able to com­mu­ni­cate by blinking his eyes in response to yes-​​or-​​no ques­tions. He has cog­ni­tive aware­ness but is par­a­lyzed with respect to nearly all of his vol­un­tary motor mus­cles due to severe injuries he suf­fered in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 29, 2014

3rd Young Investigator Award

ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu was awarded his 3rd Young Investigator Award this year by the Naval Research Office for “Intention Sensing through Video-based Imminent Activity Prediction”. Dr. Yu’s previous Young Investigator Awards were granted by the Army Research Laboratory and the International Neural Network Society.  

Electrical & Computer Engineering