1459 Items found

Jun 10, 2013

Dy to Represent Northeastern

Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Jennifer Dy was one of only 100 young engineers in the country to be invited to attend the 2013 National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium.  The 2013 US Frontiers of Engineering was hosted by DuPont on September 19-21, at the Hotel DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware.  About 100 outstanding engineers under […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 10, 2013

Students dial in on emergency communications

When the south tower of Manhattan’s World Trade Center col­lapsed on Sept. 11, 2001, emer­gency respon­ders out­side the building ordered the fire­fighters within to evac­uate. Many did not receive the message. As is often the case in emer­gency sit­u­a­tions, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion took place almost entirely over radio waves. According to the 9/​11 Com­mis­sion Act of 2007, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 28, 2013

2nd Patent for DiMarzio

Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio was awarded a patent for his method of “Acoustic Assisted Phase Conjugate Optical Tomography”. This is DiMarzio’s second patent this year. The patent he received earlier this year in April was for “Phase subtraction cell counting method”. Dr. DiMarzio the author of Optics for Engineers and currently leads OSL, the Optical Science Laboratory, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 20, 2013

Stopping Cyber Criminals

To stop cybercrime, you need to think like a criminal. That's what Northeastern is teaching information assurance students to do. – See more at: http://www.northeastern.edu/magazine/know-thine-enemy/#sthash.KID73xMR.dpuf

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 15, 2013

Ali Abur creates a more efficient grid

Ali Abur, professor and chair of electrical and computer engineering In the next decade, power generation from renewable energy is expected to grow significantly in the U.S. But those resources—solar and wind—are concentrated in the Southwest and the Great Plains, while most of the country’s electricity is consumed across time zones on the coasts. Matching […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 06, 2013

Great Honors for Prof Kaeli

ECE Professor David Kaeli is being named a Heterogeneous Systems Architecture Distinguished Professor and his NUCAR lab has been designated a HSA Academic Center of Excellence. This is attributed to recent work with AMD, Samsung and Qualcomm in the area of heterogeneous and GPU computing. "The HSA Foundation is an open foundation with broad industry […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 01, 2013

Manipulating Virtual World

Using concepts from Iron Man, a team of ECE capstone students have developed a Gesture Operated Computer Aided Design tool (goCAD) to move computer objects with hand movements. Source: News @ Northeastern “If Tony Stark can do it in a cave with scraps,” said Kyle Dumont, then, well, he and the other mem­bers of his […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 29, 2013

Lehman Awarded NSF Grant

Electronic and Computer Engineering Professor Brad Lehman was awarded an $150K NSF grant to develop smart power detection devices for photovoltaic installations. Dr. Lehman is presently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University and previously was a Hearin Hess Distinguished Assistant Professor at Mississippi State University. In 1994, Dr. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering