1459 Items found

Aug 27, 2012

Promoting Engineering Education

MIE Assistant Professor Andrew Gouldstone and ECE Associate Professor Waleed Meleis were invited to represent Northeastern at the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium. The 2012 Japan-American Frontiers of Engineering was held October 29-31, 2012, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California.  Sixty of the most promising engineers under the age of 45 from […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 24, 2012

A small-​​scale solution with a large-​​scale impact

Microchips are per­va­sive in today’s high-​​tech society, playing inte­gral roles in the inner work­ings of your cell phone to your Keurig coffee machine. A pro­cessing tech­nology called CMOS, or com­ple­men­tary metal–oxide–semiconductor, made microchips eco­nom­i­cally fea­sible in the 1980s, said Siva­sub­ra­manian Somu, a research sci­en­tist in Northeastern’s Center for High-​​rate Nanoman­u­fac­turing. A crit­ical ele­ment in any microchip is some­thing […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2012

Separating the Good & Bad

ECE & CCS Associate Professor Engin Kirda has developed a new software tool called PubCrawl to detect and contain malicious web crawlers without effecting normal browsing capacities. Source: News @ Northeastern

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2012

A new kind of pub crawl

Web­sites like Face­book, LinkedIn and other social-​​media net­works con­tain mas­sive amounts of valu­able public infor­ma­tion. Auto­mated web tools called web crawlers sift through these sites, pulling out infor­ma­tion on mil­lions of people in order to tailor search results and create tar­geted ads or other mar­ketable content. But what hap­pens when “the bad guys” employ web crawlers? […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 20, 2012

Strumming on the nano-​​banjo

When you pluck a banjo string, you trigger a vibra­tion that res­onates at a fre­quency unique to the geom­etry and mate­rial of the string. We can dis­tin­guish that fre­quency as a par­tic­ular pitch, our ears acting like incred­ibly sen­si­tive detectors. Matteo Rinaldi, an assis­tant pro­fessor of elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, has recently received a […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 13, 2012

Summer in the engineering lab

More than 20 under­grad­uate stu­dents from eight col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties throughout the country pre­sented a host of inno­v­a­tive research projects on Thursday after­noon at North­eastern University. The projects, ranging from improving breast cancer imaging to pre­venting the pro­gres­sive col­lapse of large con­crete build­ings, rep­re­sented the cul­mi­na­tion of Northeastern’s 10-​​week Research Expe­ri­ence for Under­grad­u­ates Pro­grams, which […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 31, 2012

Creating Underwater Networks

ECE professor Milica Stojanovic has been awarded an $120K NSF grant to develop a mobile underwater communications network for use in areas like  environmental monitoring, security, and aquaculture.  Milica Stojanovic graduated from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1988, and received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 03, 2012

Leeser Awarded $500K NSF Grant

ECE Professor Miriam Leeser was awarded a $500K NSF to Ensure Reliability and Portability of Scientific Software for Heterogeneous Architectures. Miriam Leeser joined the faculty at Northeastern University in January 1996. Her specialty is Computer Engineering. She received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, and Diploma and PhD degrees in Computer Science from […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering