1459 Items found

Nov 18, 2022

NU Wins 1st Place at 2022 NASA BIG IDEA Competition

A Northeastern University student team won the prestigious Artemis Award, the top honor at NASA’s 2022 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge for their COBRA: Crater Observing Bio-inspired Rolling Articulator.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 18, 2022

Jornet Receives the 2022 IEEE WTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award

ECE Associate Professor Josep Jornet received the 2022 IEEE WTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award for his pioneering contributions to the field of terahertz communications.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 10, 2022

Northeastern Researcher Wins Meta Award to Quarantine and Vaccinate Silent Data Corruptions

Devesh Tiwari, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, recently received a 2022 Meta Research Award among five U.S. and international scientists for his proposal to develop a quarantine and vaccination framework to mitigate silent data corruptions in large-scale systems.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 09, 2022

Liu Elected 2023 Fellow Member of Optica

MIE/ECE Associate Professor Yongmin Liu was elected as a 2023 Fellow Member of Optica (formerly OSA). He is being honored specifically for significant contributions to the fundamental and application of nanophotonics, particularly plasmonics and photonic metamaterials. Fellow membership in Optica is limited to no more than ten percent of the membership and is reserved for members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. 

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 08, 2022

Northeastern Robotics Team Wins $1M for Third-place Finish in Global Competition

Team Northeastern won $1 million in third place among 17 finalists from around the globe in the ANA Avatar XPrize robotics competition.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 04, 2022

Wireless Charging of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

ECE Research Assistant Professor Yousof Naderi and Professor Kaushik Chowdhury were awarded a patent for “Wireless charging of unmanned aerial vehicles.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 02, 2022

2022 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above. The list below includes […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 31, 2022

ECE Faculty and PhD Student Receive IEEE/ACM William J. McCalla ICCAD Best Paper Nomination

ECE Assistant Professor Xiaolin Xu and student Tong Zhou, PhD’25, and coauthor Dr. Shaolei Ren from UC Riverside, received the IEEE/ACM William J. McCalla ICCAD Best Paper Nomination, at the 2022 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (IEEE/ACM ICCAD, San Diego, CA), for their paper titled “ObfuNAS: A Neural Architecture Search-based DNN Obfuscation Approach”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering