1460 Items found
Aatmesh Shrivastava

Oct 22, 2021

Developing Ultra-Low Power Timing Circuit

ECE Assistant Professor Aatmesh Shrivastava received a $315K sub-contract on an $800K Phase-I and Phase-II Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) grant with escAerospace to develop ultra-low power timing circuit to enable navigation in total GPS denial.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 22, 2021

Northeastern Team Advances to Finals of ANA Avatar XPRIZE

Team Northeastern is one of 15 teams selected as finalists in the ANA Avatar XPRIZE. Finalist teams will equally share a milestone prize purse of $2M and move on to Finals Testing in Fall 2022 for their chance to win part of the $8M Finals prize purse.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Rodrigo Blanco Bravo, BioE’22, Hannah Boyce, ChE’22, Lake Jacobs-Skolik, EE’22, and Carrie Tam, CEE’22.

Oct 19, 2021

2021 Fulbright Applicants

Rodrigo Blanco Bravo, E’22, bioengineering; Hannah Boyce, E’22, chemical engineering; Lake Jacobs-Skolik, E’22, electrical engineering; and Carrie Tam, E’22, civil engineering and architectural studies, are among the slate of 2021 Northeastern University applicants to the Fulbright US Student Program.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 12, 2021

Announcing Fall 2021 PEAK Experiences Awardees

Several engineering students and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Northeastern’s Fall 2021 PEAK Experiences Awards. The PEAK Experiences Awards are a progressively structured sequence of opportunities designed to support learners as they continue climbing to new heights of achievement in undergraduate research and creative endeavor throughout their Northeastern journeys. ASCENT AWARDS […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 12, 2021

Amirabadi Research Receives 2020 Second Place Prize Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

ECE alum Khalegh Mozaffari, PhD’19, and Associate Professor Mahshid Amirabadi received second place for the 2020 IEEE Power Electronics Society Transactions Prize Paper Award for their paper on “A Reduced-Switch-Count Family of Soft-Switched High-Frequency Inductive AC-Link Converters.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 28, 2021

NU Team Places 2nd at NASA RASC-AL Competition

Northeastern University won second place and best technical paper at NASA’s 2020-21 RASC-AL Moon to Mars Ice and Prospecting Challenge for their project “Percussive And Rotary Surveying & Extracting Carousel (PARSEC).”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Stefano Basagni, Kaushik Chowdhury, Josep Jornet, and Tommaso Melodia

Sep 23, 2021

$3M Award to Improve the Performance of 5G and 6G Wireless Networks

ECE Associate Professor Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Professor Stefano Basagni, Professor Kaushik Chowdhury, Associate Professor Josep Jornet, and William Lincoln Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia were awarded a $3M award to create “An Open, Programmable Platform to Conquer the 5G and 6G Wireless Spectrum.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 17, 2021

Monitoring the Neurological Functions of Preterm Infants

University Distinguished Professor Dagmar Sternad, biology/ECE, in collaboration with David Paydarfar at the University of Texas at Austin Medical School, was awarded a $1M NSF grant for “Movement as a Vital Sign in Preterm Infants.”

Bioengineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering