1460 Items found

Jul 14, 2021

Automatically Detecting Computer Breaches in the Network

Khoury/ECE Professor Engin Kirda, in collaboration with Gianluca Stringhini from the Boston University, will be working on a $500K NSF grant for “Flanker: Automatically Detecting Lateral Movement in Organizations Using Heterogeneous Data and Graph Representation Learning.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Devesh Tiwari

Jul 13, 2021

HARMONIA: Improved Data Center Resource Management

ECE Assistant Professor Devesh Tiwari, in collaboration with Mississippi State University, is leading a $500K NSF grant for creating “HARMONIA: New Methods for Colocating Multiple QoS-Sensitive Jobs.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 13, 2021

Pioneering a Data-Centric Approach to Distributed Machine Learning

ECE Associate Professor Stratis Ioannidis and ECE Professor Edmund Yeh, in collaboration with ECE Professor Carlee Joe-Wong from Carnegie Mellon University, have been awarded a $1M grant from the NSF to pioneer a data-centric approach to distributed machine learning.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 09, 2021

Investigating Feedback Systems in Nature and Engineering

University Distinguished Professor Eduardo Sontag, electrical and computer engineering (ECE), jointly appointed in bioengineering, and affiliate faculty in chemical engineering and mathematics, was awarded a $750K grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, titled “Network Motifs and Responses of Nonlinear Systems.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 08, 2021

Announcing New Engineering Academic Programs

The College of Engineering at Northeastern University announces several new academic programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including innovative combined majors, to meet industry trends and provide program flexibility for students. Graduate MS in Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing – meets the growing demand for engineers, researchers, and scientists trained in advanced manufacturing and Industry […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 07, 2021

Tracking Potential Outbreaks Through Wastewater

ECE Professor Nian Sun and MIE Professor Hongwei Sun are part of a team, led by Professor Sheree Pagsuyoin of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, which was awarded $660K in pledged funding as one of five third-place winners of the Trinity Awards, for their project, “Disease Surveillance with Multi-modal Sensor Network & Data Analytics”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 06, 2021

Creating a Mass-Producible Ising Machine for Quantum-like Computing and Optimization at Room Temperature

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella, in collaboration with Prof. Philip Feng from the University of Florida, has been awarded a $500K NSF grant on “Massive Scale Computing and Optimization through On-chip ParameTric Ising MAchines (OPTIMA)”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 02, 2021

Team Led by Sznaier Awarded $7.5M by DoD for Control and Learning Enabled Verifiably Robust AI

Mario Sznaier, Dennis Picard Trustee Professor, electrical and computer engineering (ECE), is leading a multi-university team that was awarded a $7.5 million, five-year grant from the Department of Defense (DoD).

Electrical & Computer Engineering