1460 Items found

Apr 06, 2021

The Robotic Requirements Needed for a Self-Driving Car

ECE Professor Hanumant Singh’s autonomous field-robotics class incorporates how real-life conditions impact all the robotics required to make things like self-driving cars.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 31, 2021

ECE PhD Candidate Xu, Kaidi to Become Assistant Professor at Drexel University

ECE PhD candidate Kaidi Xu, advised by Assistant Professor Xue (Shelley) Lin, has accepted an offer as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at Drexel University, starting at Fall 2021.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 30, 2021

Two COE Students Awarded Goldwater Scholarships

Cameron Young, E’22, chemical engineering and biochemistry, and Spencer Lake Jacobs-Skolik, E’22, electrical engineering, were awarded the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the United States’ premier award for outstanding young researchers in STEM fields.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 29, 2021

SMILE Lab Wins 1st at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu’s SMILE lab won first prize for both the RGB and RGB-D competition tracks of the CVPR21 International Sign Language Challenge.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 29, 2021

Congratulations NSF GRFP Recipients

Congratulations to the current students and alumni who are recipients of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Awards. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

raymond fu

Mar 15, 2021

Fu Receives Adobe Data Science Research Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received a $50K 2021 Adobe Data Science Research Award for his proposal on “Time-Aware Causal Embedding for Personalized Digital Marketing.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 03, 2021

ECE PhD Student Wins 1st Place at CGO 2021

Computer Engineering PhD student Malith Jayaweera won First Place in the student research competition at the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) 2021 for his research on “Data vs Instructions: Runtime Code Generation for Convolutions”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 02, 2021

Gregory D. Abowd Joins as Dean of the College of Engineering

Gregory D. Abowd joined Northeastern University as Dean of the College of Engineering and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in March 2021.

Electrical & Computer Engineering