1461 Items found

Jul 17, 2018

Developing Reliable Underwater Acoustic Video Transmissions

ECE Professor Tommaso Melodia and Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi, in collaboration with Rutgers University, were awarded a $1M NSF grant for “Reliable Underwater Acoustic Video Transmission Towards Human-Robot Dynamic Interaction”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 17, 2018

Sontag to Work in Collaboration on $1.5M NSF/SRC Grant

ECE/BioE Professor Eduardo Sontag, in collaboration with Dr. Chris Voigt from MIT and Dr. Kate Adamala from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, was awarded a $1.5M three-year grant jointly funded from the National Science Foundation and Semiconductor Research Corporation for “Very Large-Scale Genetic Circuit Design Automation”.

Bioengineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 17, 2018

Recognition at the ASEE2018

FYELIC Teaching Professor Bala Maheswaran was awarded three Certificate of Recognition’s for Panel Discussions and Workshop at the ASEE2018.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 12, 2018

Robots Could Help Local Fisheries

ECE Associate Professor Taskin Padir is working with local seafood plants to develop robots to help with processing the fish which would reduce imports and improve the production of local fisheries.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 10, 2018

Professor Mi and PhD Students Win Best Paper at IEEE CLOUD 2018

ECE Associate Professor Ningfang Mi and two of her PhD students, Janki Bhimani and Zhengyu Yang, were awarded the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2018) Best Paper, “FIOS: Feature Based I/O Stream Identification for Improving Endurance of Multi-Stream SSDs.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 09, 2018

Improving the Acquisition of EEG Signals

ECE Assistant Professor Aatmesh Shrivastava & Associate Professor Marvin Onabajo were awarded a $500K NSF grant to develop an analog computing based feature extraction system-on-a-chip with dry skin-electrode contact interface circuits for wireless EEG sensing.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 03, 2018

SDS Lab PhD student Thomas Vandal accepts position as NASA scientist

Sustainability and Data Science Laboratory (SDS Lab) PhD student Thomas J. (“TJ”) Vandal has accepted a position as a NASA scientist at their Ames Research Center in the San Francisco Bay Area. He will work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Earth Sciences, and closely with the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) team. TJ interned with NASA during his PhD, and completed his dissertation based on […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 02, 2018

Human Support Robot

ECE students Anas Abou Allaban, BS’20, Tarik Kelestemur, MS’18, and Naoki Yokoyama, BS/MS’18, under the direction of Associate Professor Taskin Padir, recently competed at the RoboCup@Home competition and placed 4th overall (the best of any US team) which landed them a spot to participate in the World Robot Summit in Tokyo.

Electrical & Computer Engineering