Electrical & Computer Engineering Spotlights

79 Items found

Apr 04, 2024

2024 U.S. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship

Andrew Ashdown, PhD’27, electrical engineering, was selected as one of the recipients of the U.S. Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship. A highly competitive fellowship, it is awarded to promising U.S. scientists and engineers to encourage them to pursue doctoral degrees in designated research disciplines of military importance.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 14, 2024

How This Gordon Institute Fellow Stays Determined To Follow His Dream

After 13 years in the industry, Raymond Tay, MS’24, is gaining new insights on the telecommunications industry as he simultaneously pursues a master’s in telecommunications networks from the College of Engineering, and a graduate certificate in engineering leadership from the Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership.

Gordon Engineering Leadership Program, Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Mar 04, 2024

Sharing the Power of Networking in Software Engineering Systems

Simiao Wang, MS’24, computer software engineering, has mastered the art of the interview, helping her secure a competitive co-op at Costco and an internship offer from Goldman Sachs. On the Seattle campus, she has been provided many resources to connect with industry experts.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Nov 21, 2023

Seeing the Real-World Applications of Electrical Engineering

Claire Cregin, E’25, electrical engineering, has gotten hands-on project, co-op, and research experience allowing her to apply electrical engineering to real-world applications. She built an ECG, created a game exhibited at the Boston Children’s Museum, and worked on transportation systems at Jacobs Engineering.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 20, 2023

With Confidence Boosted by Co-ops, Student Charts Career Path

Lia Shechter, E’25, computer engineering and computer science, did not have a clear career plan when she arrived at Northeastern, but two co-ops, including an international work experience in Israel, have helped her determine what she does—and does not—want to do.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 15, 2023

Computer Engineering PhD Student Wins ACM/IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship

Computer engineering graduate student Rohan Basu Roy, PhD’24, won the prestigious ACM/IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship for developing performance tools that optimize the performance of HPC applications and make them less resource intensive and more environmentally sustainable.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 14, 2023

MS to PhD Research Leads to Improved Autonomous Vehicles

Xiangyu Bai, MS’23, electrical and computer engineering, who is now pursuing his PhD at Northeastern in computer engineering, conducts research in the area of computer vision focused on improving autonomy simulations. He is advised by Associate Professor Sarah Ostadabbas and works in her Augmented Cognition Laboratory.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 03, 2023

Advancing Robotics and Space Exploration through Co-op, Labs, and Clubs

Garrit Strenge, E’24, computer engineering and computer science, has had three co-ops at Busck Space Propulsion, Morse Corp., and Amazon Robotics. He is also conducted research in the Movement Neuroscience Lab, and is active in clubs such as Students for the Exploration of Space.

Electrical & Computer Engineering