1459 Items found

Sep 23, 2015

Rinaldi and McGruer Receive DARPA MTO Award

ECE Assistant Professor Matteo Rinaldi and Professor Nicol McGruer have received a $1.1M award from DARPA MTO to develop a “Plasmonic Microelectromechanical Infrared Digitizer (PLASMID).”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 23, 2015

Patent for Harris & Vittoria

ECE Professors Vincent Harris & Carmine Vittoria awarded patent for “Voltage tuning of microwave magnetic devices using magnetoelectric transducers”.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 16, 2015

Neural Controlled Prosthetics

ECE Associate Professors Denis Erdogmus, Gunar Schirner, & Taskin Padir awarded $603K NSF grant to develop a Hand Augmentation using Nested Decision (HAND) for those with lost limb function.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 09, 2015

Sternad Awarded EAGER Grant

COS & ECE Professor Dagmar Sternad was awarded a $171K NSF EAGER grant for "Challenging the Cognitive-Control Divide". Abstract Source: NSF This EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) collaborative research project is between an expert in robotics and control theory and an expert in experimental and computational motor neuroscience. It bridges cognitive science, experimental psychology […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 04, 2015

New Faculty Spotlight: Efstratios Ioannidis

Efstratios Ioannidis joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in Fall 2015 as an Assistant Professor.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 04, 2015

New Faculty Spotlight: Mahshid Amirabadi

Mahshid Amirabadi joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in Fall 2015 as an Assistant Professor.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Photo of Taskin Padir

Sep 04, 2015

New Faculty Spotlight: Taskin Padir

Taskin Padir joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in Fall 2015 as an Associate Professor.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 31, 2015

Neel Shah Wins IS&T Raymond Davis Scholarship

ECE Alumni Neel Shah won the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) Raymond Davis Scholarship. It is awarded to "an imaging science or engineering student for use in continuing graduate or undergraduate studies."

Electrical & Computer Engineering