1459 Items found

Aug 27, 2015

Kaeli Awarded $250K NSF Grant

ECE Professor David Kaeli was awarded a $250K NSF grant for "Leveraging Intra-chip/Inter-chip Silicon-Photonic Networks for Designing Next-Generation Accelerators".

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 26, 2015

Niedre Awarded $1.5M Grant

ECE Associate Professor, Mark Niedre, received a $1.5M RO1 grant from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of NIH for Ultra-Rare Cell In Vivo Flow Cytometry.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 26, 2015

Exploring the Evolution of Scientific Thought

ECE Associate Professor Waleed Meleis led a group of students to Italy as part of a Dialogue of Civilizations to explore the Scientific and Computational Revolution.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 21, 2015

ECE PhD Graduate Jennifer Mankin Featured in Intel's 2015 Developers Forum

Jennifer Mankin, ECE PhD graduate, Intel employee, and former student in ECE Professor David Kaeli's lab, was recently featured in Intel's 2015 Developers Forum.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 18, 2015

PhD Student Wins Mobile Defense Challenge

MIE PhD student Shadi Emam was on the winning team of Finjan Holdings, Inc.'s Mobile Defense Challenge 2015.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 12, 2015

Sun Awarded $364K NSF Grant

ECE Professor Nian Sun was awarded a $364K NSF grant for creating "Nanomagnetic Stimulation Capability for Neural Investigation and Control".

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 12, 2015

Monitoring Marine Mammal with POAWRS

ECE Associate Professors Purnima Makris and Gunar Schirner were awarded a $300K NSF grant for the "Development of an interim passive ocean acoustic waveguide remote sensing system for instantaneous continental-shelf scale marine mammal monitoring, localization and species classification".

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 11, 2015

Fu Receives IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award

ECE & CCIS Associate Professor Y. Raymond Fu is the awardee of the 2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award, for contributions to neural computing, manifold learning, and visual intelligence.

Electrical & Computer Engineering