1459 Items found

Nov 13, 2009

Sun Receives $50K for Research

Nian Sun, an ECE Associate Professor, received $50K from Northrop Grumman Corporation for bringing up collaborative research on high performance miniature antennas with Northrop Grumman.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 06, 2009

SWE Team Comes in 3rd in Collegiate SME "Subject Matter Experts" Competition

Mariah Dellea (ME'13) and Kerri Liss (IE'13), were part of a 5 person team that placed 3rd in Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Subject Matter Expert Bowl contest at the SWE National Conference.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 13, 2009

Prof. Harris and Vittoria receive $400K NSF Grant

ECE Professors Vincent Harris and Carmine Vittoria received a $400K NSF grant to study electric field tunable microwave magnetic passive devices.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 09, 2009

Sznaier and Camps Win NSF Award

ECE Professors Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps have won a $415K NSF grant to develop new methods to extract information very sparsely encoded in extremely high dimensional data streams, with applications to aware environments, autonomous vehicles and systems biology.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 25, 2009

CHN Receives $12M Renewal Grant

The Nanoscale Science and Engineering Research Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) has received a $12.25 million renewal grant from the National Science Foundation to continue its industry-leading research.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 24, 2009

ECE Junior wins 2-year fellowship in Information Assurance

Ryan Whelan, a junior in ECE, has been awarded a NSF Scholarship for Service Fellowship. Designed to increase and strengthen the cadre of federal information assurance professionals that protect the government's critical information infrastructure, this scholarship is administered through Northeastern's Institute for Information Assurance.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 27, 2009

Professor Dy Awarded $470K NSF Grant

Associate Professor Jennifer Dy of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be developing a method to analyze data using multiple clustering views by studying skin lesions and cancers.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 23, 2009

Prof Erdogmus Receives Second Grant

Denis Erdogmus, an ECE Assistant Professor, has received a $500K NSF grant to develop a brain interface controlled icon-based language generation system that aims to increase speed of communication for persons with severe disabilities. He recently received a $695K grant from NIH.

Electrical & Computer Engineering