1459 Items found

Jun 29, 2009

Prof Erdogmus receives $695K grant

Deniz Erdogmus, an ECE Assistant Professor, has received a 5-yr grant from NIH, to design a noninvasive brain computer interface to help patients with locked-in syndrome (LIS) by detecting their responses to rapid serial visual presentations.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 29, 2009

Prof Kaeli Awarded NSF grant

David Kaeli, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received a 4-yr NSF Scholarship for Service Award, which will provide scholarships to talented students in Information Assurance technologies so as to protect our national cyber infrastructure.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 26, 2009

Niedre Awarded $360K Grant

ECE Assistant Professor, Mark Niedre, was one of seven local scientists to receive grants from the Massachusetts Life Science Center to develop a non-invasively method for detecting rare cells circulating in the blood.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 12, 2009

Tracking Cancer Tumors Digitally

ECE Associate Professor Jennifer Dy is developing a computer algorithm that will try to track the movement of tumors that will allow for detection and targeted treatments.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 02, 2009

Prof. Harris and Vittoria receives $1.4M for research on magnetics

Professors Vince Harris and Carmine Vittoria receive $1.4M from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Navy, and Air Force for advanced magnets and their use in next generation microwave electronics.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 27, 2009

NU to host 2009 IEEE International Accessing the Future Conference

As part of IEEE's 125th anniversary, this conference will focus on the next generation of technology that will be available in the next 5-10 years.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 26, 2009

COE Alum nominated by President Obama to Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Small Business Administration

Winslow Sargeant, an '86 graduate with a bachelors’s degree in electrical engineering, has been nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the Small Business Administration. Dr. Sargeant is currently the managing director of Madison-based Venture Investors.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 15, 2009

Using SWNT to enhance sensing applications

ECE Assistant Professor Mehmet Dokmeci has developed a method of using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT) on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuitry that will lead to the creation of new sensor systems.

Electrical & Computer Engineering