1459 Items found

May 01, 2023

Casilli to Present at International Microwave Symposium

Electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli’s, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, paper on “A UHF 1.3 cm 2 Passive Subharmonic Tag With a 13 m Read-Range” was accepted as one of the top-50 papers at the prestigious IEEE International Microwave Symposium IMS conference in San Diego.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 27, 2023

2023 COE Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

Awardees of the College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award and the College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award were selected by faculty members of the students’ department based on the students’ exemplary record in the classroom or laboratory, the contributions made in mentoring peers, or significant accomplishments in furthering research and scholarship.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Apr 27, 2023

FY24 TIER 1 Award Recipients

Twelve COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY24 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 11 different projects.

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 27, 2023

Announcing Summer 2023 PEAK Experiences Awardees

Several engineering students and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Northeastern’s Summer 2023 PEAK Experiences Awards. They will be pursuing a diverse set of projects, including a study of a pathogen that haunts hospitals, an examination of segregationist rhetoric in Boston newspapers, and an analysis of creativity in music.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 27, 2023

A Northeastern Professor is Using Aquatic Drones to Measure How Quickly Icebergs are Melting

ECE/MIE Professor Hanumant Singh is using his Jetyak to create detailed 3D maps of icebergs in Greenland’s Sermilik Fjord with the intent of giving climate scientists a clearer picture of how they are melting and impacting the oceans.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 20, 2023

2023 Capstone Projects

The engineering departments hosted a series of poster sessions and presentations featuring capstone projects completed by our engineering seniors.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 20, 2023

Alborzi and Hanson Are Recipients of the 2023 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Experiential Learning

Mechanical engineering student Saeed Alborzi, PhD’24, and computer engineering student Nathaniel Hanson, PhD’24, are recipients of the 2023 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Experiential Learning, which recognizes graduate students who have shown an extraordinary capacity to integrate academics and professional work and establish themselves as emerging leaders in their field.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 19, 2023

Northeastern University Launches Fully Automated and Virtualized O-RAN Private 5G Network with AI Automation

The Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT) at Northeastern University and its Open6G R&D Center announce the availability of the first production-ready private 5G network fully automated through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Electrical & Computer Engineering