1459 Items found

Jun 01, 2023

Fu Appointed to PCAST Working Group

ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu was appointed to the White House President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Working Group to identify research areas and possible solutions, as well as, advance current approaches to bolstering cyber-physical resilience.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 01, 2023

Fu Receives AAMI & MedCrypt Cybersecurity Visionary Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu received the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) & MedCrypt Cybersecurity Visionary Award for his groundbreaking research that demonstrated that implantable devices like pacemakers can be vulnerable to hackers and his efforts to mitigate these risks.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 31, 2023

Han Wins CNERT Workshop Best Paper Award

Computer engineering student Zhaoyang Han, PhD’24, who is advised by ECE Professor Miriam Leeser, won the Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT) Workshop Best Paper Award for their paper on “A Framework to Enable Runtime Programmable P4-enabled FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed” at the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 24, 2023

Kostas Research Institute Receives $13M U.S. Army Contract for Wireless Research

The Kostas Research Institute (KRI) at Northeastern University has been awarded $13 million by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory for foundational research into Cognitive Distributed Sensing in Congested Radio Frequency Environments. KRI and five partner institutions will conduct innovative research to enable technologies in distributed machine learning, signal processing algorithms, and computational, sensing, and communication hardware infrastructure for distributed sensing and communication.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 18, 2023

Casilli Wins Best Paper Award at IFCS-EFTF 2023

Electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli’s, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, was awarded the best paper award at the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and the European Frequency and Time Forum (IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023) for his paper “An Ising Tag with a LiNbO3 Resonator for Temperature Threshold Sensing.” Casilli is advised by ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella. Related […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

raymond fu

May 16, 2023

Enhancing Face Recognition with Frontal Face Synthesis

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “Frontal face synthesis from low-resolution images.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 16, 2023

WIOT is Pioneering the Wireless IoT Revolution

The Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things hosted Industry Day 23 to unveil its latest technological breakthroughs and collaborations with their government, industry, and academic partners.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 16, 2023

Engineering Students’ Camera Mount for Wheelchair Users is Ready for its Close-up

Northeastern University’s Enabling Engineering club designed a new durable, low-cost wheelchair camera mount that brings independence to wheelchair filmmakers by eliminating their dependence on others for setting up shots and making filmmaking more accessible.

Electrical & Computer Engineering