1459 Items found

Jul 07, 2022

Sontag Receives MURI Grant for Synthetic Biology

Distinguished University Professor Eduardo Sontag (ECE, BIOE; affiliate in Mathematics and ChE) and collaborators received a $7.5M award ($1.25M to Northeastern University) entitled “Rules of composition in synthetic biology across scales of complexity: theory and tools.”

Bioengineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Photo of Yunsi Fei

Jul 06, 2022

Protecting Breaches from Side Channel Attacks

ECE Professor Yunsi Fei and Mathematics Associate Professor Aidong Ding were awarded a $300k NSF EAGER grant for “Side Channels Go Deep – Leveraging Deep Learning for Side-channel Analysis and Protection.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering


Jul 06, 2022

Designing Microelectromechanical Tunable Delay Lines

ECE Professor Matteo Rinaldi was awarded a patent for “Microelectromechanical tunable delay line circuit.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

raymond fu

Jul 01, 2022

Fu Elected Member of Academia Europaea

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was elected to be a Member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe).

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alireza Ramezani

Jul 01, 2022

Ramezani Selected for JPL Faculty Fellowship Research Program

ECE Assistant Professor Alireza Ramezani was selected as a participant in the Faculty Fellowship Research Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 28, 2022

Improving Acoustic Wireless Communication

ECE Professor Tommaso Melodia and ECE Research Assistant Professor Emrecan Demirors were awarded a patent for designing a “method and apparatus for wireless communications.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 28, 2022

Ultrasensitive, Miniaturized, and Inexpensive Ion Detection Device

MIE Professor Yung Joon Jung and affiliated Physics Associate Professor Swastik Kar were awarded a patent for “Ion and radiation detection devices based on carbon nanomaterials and two-dimensional nanomaterials.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 28, 2022

Powering Reconfigurable Implantable Medical Devices

ECE William Lincoln Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia received a patent for creating a “Reconfigurable implantable medical system for ultrasonic power control and telemetry.” Abstract Source: USPTO A reconfigurable implantable system for ultrasonic power control and telemetry includes a charging device that includes an ultrasonic transducer to transmit and receive ultrasonic signals transmitted through a biological […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering