ECE Student Stories

418 Items found

Dec 20, 2021

ECE PhD Student Wins IEEE CDC Outstanding Student Paper Award

Jared Miller, PhD’23, electrical engineering, advised by Professor Mario Sznaier, won CDC Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control for his paper “Peak Estimation for Uncertain and Switched Systems.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

raymond fu

Dec 16, 2021

ECE Wins NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award

ECE Professor Y. Raymond Fu and his computer engineering students Songyao Jiang, PhD’22, Hongfu Liu, PhD’18, and Yue Wu, PhD’19, received the “NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award” from IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2021.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 22, 2021

Collaborative Work Between Cognitive Systems Laboratory and MERL Wins at NeurIPS 2021 BEETL Competition

Khoury computer science student Niklas Smedemark-Margulies, PhD’23, and his advisor ECE Professor Deniz Erdogmus were part of the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) Signal Processing team that placed first in the cross-subject transfer learning task and fourth place overall at the NeurIPS 2021 BEETL AI Challenge for EEG Transfer Learning.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 22, 2021

Best Paper Award at IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2021

Ramtin Khalili, PhD’23, electrical engineering, and Professor Ali Abur received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE PES Innovative and Smart Grid Technologies-Europe 2021 conference for their paper titled “Three-phase Linear State Estimation Based on SCADA and PMU Measurements”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 17, 2021

Three ECE Students Named IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Awardees

Electrical and computer engineering students Eleanett Perez Cervera, E’22, Julia Estrin, E’22, and Valentina Ribeiro, E’24 are recipients of the 2021-2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 27, 2021

Computer PhD Student Selected for ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship

Tirthak Patel, PhD’22, computer engineering, was selected as a recipient of the 2021 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship and the 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Research.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 22, 2021

Northeastern Team Advances to Finals of ANA Avatar XPRIZE

Team Northeastern is one of 15 teams selected as finalists in the ANA Avatar XPRIZE. Finalist teams will equally share a milestone prize purse of $2M and move on to Finals Testing in Fall 2022 for their chance to win part of the $8M Finals prize purse.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Rodrigo Blanco Bravo, BioE’22, Hannah Boyce, ChE’22, Lake Jacobs-Skolik, EE’22, and Carrie Tam, CEE’22.

Oct 19, 2021

2021 Fulbright Applicants

Rodrigo Blanco Bravo, E’22, bioengineering; Hannah Boyce, E’22, chemical engineering; Lake Jacobs-Skolik, E’22, electrical engineering; and Carrie Tam, E’22, civil engineering and architectural studies, are among the slate of 2021 Northeastern University applicants to the Fulbright US Student Program.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering