ECE Student Stories

418 Items found

Aug 06, 2014

Learning While Teaching

By participating in NUTRONS, NU’s FIRST Robotics team, undergraduates are able to teach high school students to build robots while reinforcing their own engineering skills.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 17, 2014

Early Disease Detection

EE Alum Asan­terabi Malima, PhD’13, was pre­sented with an Entre­pre­neurial Award by Gov. Deval Patrick for founding Biolom and developing a device that enables early, low-cost disease detection.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 09, 2014

Overcoming the Odds

Computer Engineering PhD student William Tomlinson was featured in ASEE Prism for the struggles he encountered in his educational career.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 03, 2014

Engineering ideas to help people in need

The newly formed student group Enabling Engineering uses engineering principles to design and build projects to help individuals with disabilities.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 30, 2014

Student project targets memory impairment

People with memory-​​impairing dis­eases, such as Alzheimer’s, are not only losing their memories—they’re also losing their inde­pen­dence. And as memory loss worsens, they rely may more on others to help them with daily tasks. For a senior cap­stone project, a team of North­eastern Uni­ver­sity engi­neering stu­dents sought a way to help, knowing that more than 15 mil­lion Amer­i­cans […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 29, 2014

A key to communication for locked-​​in syndrome patients

For the past seven years, one man receiving care from LifeStream, a Massachusetts-​​based human ser­vices orga­ni­za­tion, has only been able to com­mu­ni­cate by blinking his eyes in response to yes-​​or-​​no ques­tions. He has cog­ni­tive aware­ness but is par­a­lyzed with respect to nearly all of his vol­un­tary motor mus­cles due to severe injuries he suf­fered in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 28, 2014

Freshman Patent Application

Freshman Computer Engineering student Leena Ahsan was awarded a patent application for creating a box that was collapsible as the contents are used. The invention boosts perforations, creases and the suggestion of a bendable material that facilitates folding.     

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 24, 2014

SDM Best Paper Award

Computer Engineering PhD student Sheng Li and ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu were awarded the Best Paper Award at the prestigious SIAM International Conference on Data Mining for their paper on "Robust Subspace Discovery through Supervised Low-Rank Constraints". Only 1 paper out of the 384 submissions received this award.

Electrical & Computer Engineering