ECE Student Stories

418 Items found

Apr 24, 2014

SDM14 Best Paper Award

Computer Engineering PhD student Sheng Li and ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu were awarded the Best Paper Award at the prestigious SIAM International Conference on Data Mining for their paper on "Robust Subspace Discovery through Supervised Low-Rank Constraints". Only 1 paper out of the 384 submissions received this award.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 23, 2014

Afternoon at the ‘museum’

It’s April 9, and a sev­enth grader from the James P. Tim­ilty Middle School in Boston’s Rox­bury neigh­bor­hood is standing on a rotating plat­form on the third floor of Northeastern’s Snell Engi­neering building holding onto a spin­ning bicycle wheel. “When you take physics later,” says Yoshua Rozen, E’18, “you’ll learn all about the con­ser­va­tion of […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 14, 2014

2 ECE Students Chosen for Huntington 100

Dimitri Makris and Joseph Robinson were chosen for this year’s “Huntington 100”, a prestigious honor given to the most outstanding students for their hard work and achievements.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 14, 2014

Best Paper at EuCAP

ECE PhD student Yolanda Rodriquez, CenSSIS Senior Research Engineer Borja Ganzalez, ECE Professor Carey Rappaport and MIE Assistant Professor Jose Martinez-Lorenzo won the Best Propagation Paper Award at the 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation for "A compressed sensing-based imaging system".

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 11, 2014

Outstanding Research Award

ECE PhD student Ceyhun Karbeyaz received a Graduate Computer and Information Sciences Research Award at this year's RISE Expo for a Web-based Laboratory for Computational Social Science. The online laboratory will allow researchers to conduct experiments in a much larger scale than they ever could.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 11, 2014

Interdisciplinary Research

Jodi Belz (BioE PhD), Stacey Markovic (EE PhD), and Mark Niedre (ECE Assistant Professor) were awarded a Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Award at this year’s RISE Expo. The project, called “Localized tumor delivery of radiosensitizers and chemotherapeutics using ‘INCeRT’ implants” involves a new chemo-treatment that can potentially reduce tumors.

Bioengineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 11, 2014

COE Dean's Award

ECE PhD Aida Ehyaei was awarded the COE Dean's Award at this year's RISE Expo for "A System For Gathering Data on Sleep Behavior and Context in the Home Setting".  

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 10, 2014

Three Northeastern students named Goldwater Scholars

Three North­eastern Uni­ver­sity students—Theo Bowe, S’16, Tushar Swamy, E/S’15, and Greg Allan, E/S’16—have been selected to receive the pres­ti­gious Barry M. Gold­water Scholarship. A total of 283 sopho­mores and juniors in the U.S. were named Gold­water Scholars for the 2014–15 aca­d­emic year. Scholars were selected from a field of 1,166 math, sci­ence, and engi­neering stu­dents […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering