ECE Student Stories

418 Items found

Mar 26, 2013

Outstanding Student Researchers

Congratulations to the team of computer engineering BS students who won the Excellence in Innovation award at RISE 2013 for their FilterLight project: a low-cost, human-powered UV water filtration system. View video here.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 25, 2013

Congratulations Sarah Brown

Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD student Sarah Brown was awarded the Mike Shinn Distinguished Member of the Year award for her excellent scholastic performance and her dedicated service to NSBE.  The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), is a  nonprofit organization that is owned and managed by its members. With more than 30,000 members around the world, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 25, 2013

Congratulations Joseph Hollman

ECE PhD student Joseph Hollmann won an NSF East-Asia Pacific Summer Institute fellowship in which he will be working on computational modeling of light propagation in random media. View the full release here. NSF and selected foreign counterpart science and technology agencies sponsor international research institutes for U.S. graduate students in seven East Asia and Pacific locations […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 24, 2012

Have Wi-​​Fi, will travel

In an emer­gency, first respon­ders need to be able to com­mu­ni­cate. But with infra­struc­ture dam­aged by a dis­aster, the cel­lular and wire­less net­works they depend on may be dam­aged or destroyed, crip­pling the use of high-​​tech tools that help find vic­tims or estab­lish a sense of order. Enter Dan Lan­ders and Glen Chi­ac­chieri, both of whom […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 22, 2012

Chipping away at cancer

In the last two decades, the number of deaths from col­orectal cancer has steadily declined, according to the Amer­ican Cancer Society. While some of the decrease can be attrib­uted to better treat­ment prac­tices, early detec­tion is another pri­mary factor. Nonethe­less, col­orectal cancer is still the second leading cause of death among men and women in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 14, 2012

The Risk of Carrying a Cup of Coffee

Object manip­u­la­tion or tool use is almost a uniquely human trait, said Dagmar Sternad, director of Northeastern’s Action Lab, a research group inter­ested in move­ment coor­di­na­tion. “Not only does it require cer­tain cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties but also dis­tinct motor abilities.” Simply moving one’s own body, for instance by directing a hand toward a coffee cup, requires the […]

Bioengineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 13, 2012

Student takes home judges’ choice award in National NSF IGERT Online Video & Poster Competition

Margery Hines, a graduate student conducting research with the Northeastern University Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship for Intelligent Diagnostics (IGERT-ID) has been awarded judges’ choice in the 2012 National NSF IGERT Online Video & Poster Competition. The victory earned the IGERT-ID program a $2,000 prize.  Margery is a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering, working with Carey Rappaport […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 06, 2012

Taking flight, then taking it apart

The Oktokopter — a remote-​​controlled, eight-​​bladed heli­copter that can hover in one place or travel great dis­tances — can be used for a range of tasks, from taking photos to per­forming mil­i­tary sur­veil­lance. But there’s a problem with this com­mer­cially avail­able, assembly-​​required small copter: It’s dif­fi­cult to transport. So a team of North­eastern elec­trical and com­puter […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering