1461 Items found

Dec 17, 2019

Detecting Arc Faults in AC Circuits

ECE Professor Bradley Lehman awarded patent for creating a “Method for AC arc fault detection using multidimensional energy points”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 17, 2019

ECE Receives Best Paper Award at IEEE GLOBECOM

ECE PhD students Kai Li, Ufuk Muncuk, Principal Research Scientist Yousof Naderi, and Associate Professor Kaushik Chowdhury were awarded the best paper award at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 conference for their paper “SoftSense: Collaborative Surface-based Object Sensing and Tracking Using Networked Coils”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

someone holding a circuitboard

Dec 03, 2019

Desnoyers and Leeser Awarded $1.55M NSF Grant to Accelerate Innovations in Cloud Technologies

ECE Affiliated Faculty Peter Desnoyers (PI), Khoury College, and ECE Professor Miriam Leeser (co-PI) are the Northeastern University leads of $1.55M five-year NSF grant that is part a $5M total award in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Amherst (lead) and Boston University.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 03, 2019

Lehman Selected as IEEE Power Electronics Society Fellow

ECE Professor Bradley Lehman was selected as a 2020 Fellow of IEEE Power Electronics Society for his contributions to high quality LED lighting and modeling and control of DC-DC converters.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

edmund yeh

Dec 02, 2019

Networking for Big Data: Landmark SC19 Demo Shows High-Performance Delivery of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Data with NDN

The multi-university (Northeastern, Caltech, and Colorado State) research SANDIE team led by ECE Professor Edmund Yeh has finished a landmark demo at SC19 in Denver.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

ioannidis giving talk on stage

Nov 27, 2019

Ioannidis Gives Talk at Networking@Scale

ECE Assistant Professor Stratis Ioannidis gave a talk on “Adaptive Cache Networks with Optimality Guarantees” at Networking@Scale.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

nian sun

Nov 26, 2019

Nian Sun Named IEEE Fellow

ECE Professor Nian Sun has been named an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to integrated magnetic and magnetoelectric materials and devices.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

nian sun

Nov 25, 2019

Sun Receives Prestigious Humboldt Research Award

ECE Professor Nian Sun was awarded the pres­ti­gious Hum­boldt Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Electrical & Computer Engineering