1461 Items found

Apr 17, 2019

Sun Receives Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Experiential Learning

Computer Engineering PhD student Yifan Sun received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Experiential Learning, which recognizes graduate students who have shown an extraordinary capacity to integrate academics and professional work, and establish themselves as emerging leaders in their field.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 17, 2019

Kresse Awarded Fulbright Fellowship

Isaac Kresse, E/S’19, who will be graduating with both a chemistry and computer engineering degree, was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship which he will use to conduct research on proteins in the brain at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 10, 2019

2019 Huntington 100 COE Recipients

Congratulations to the COE students selected into Huntington 100.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 09, 2019

FY20 TIER 1 Award Recipients

25 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY20 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 18 different projects representing up to $900K dollars of investment in research.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 03, 2019

ECE Team Awarded DOD DURIP Grant

ECE Professor Tommaso Melodia and co-PIs Associate Professors Kaushik Chowdhury, Stefano Basagni, and Assistant Professor Jose Angel Martinez-Lorenzo were awarded a $295K grant by the Office of Naval Research for their proposal on “PROTECT: A Millimeter-wave Programmable Radio platfOrm and Tactical wirelEss Communication Testbed” as part of DOD’s Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP).

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 02, 2019

Amirabadi Awarded Patent

ECE Assistant Professor Mahshid Amirabadi awarded a patent for "Power conversion devices and control methods therefor". Abstract Source: USPTO Power conversion devices with control algorithms that can solve the double frequency harmonic problem are provided, as are techniques for controlling power converters when the instantaneous values of input and output power are not the same.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 02, 2019

Sternad Promoted to University Distinguished Professor

COS/ECE Professor Dagmar Sternad has been promoted to the rank of University Distinguished Professor, the highest honor the university can bestow upon a faculty member, for her achievements in the field of experimental and computational motor neuroscience.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 14, 2019

PhD Student Wins Honorable Paper Award in 2019 APS/URSI

ECE PhD student Mohammad Mahdi Salary from Professor Hossein Mosallaei’s group receives Honorable Student Paper Award in the 2019 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, held in Atlanta, GA. The work is on full-duplex NIR communications.

Electrical & Computer Engineering