More Student Co-op Experiences

61 Items found

May 02, 2019

A Pioneering Invention on Co-op

Like many, Grace Carroll, BS, Computer Engineering 2020, came to Northeastern for its renowned co-op program. “I learn a lot better doing things hands-on than just in the classroom,” Carroll said. “The fact that they schedule [co-op] into your degree for you to go learn hands-on—I really thought that was a big difference between Northeastern […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 01, 2018

Dell EMC Co-op Leads to Patent

PhD Computer Engineering student Yifan Sun has been awarded a US patent while completing his co-op at EMC. This patent is 1 of 5 patent applications that have been submitted by Dell EMC listing Sun as a co-inventor.  Yifan Sun is a member of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Laboratory. A student went off to […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 25, 2018

ECE Student Awarded Patent

ECE PhD student Yifan Sun has been awarded a US patent while completing his co-op at EMC. This patent is only 1 of 5 patent applications that have been submitted by EMC, listing Yifan as a co-inventor.  Yifan Sun is a member of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Laboratory. Abstract Source: USPTO A method implemented […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 26, 2018

Co-ops Lead to Start Ups

Alisa Jin, BS Electrical and Computer Engineering, helped to build a drone that flies like a kite. Alex Dye, BS Mechanical Engineering 2020, helped to design the prototype of a robot that injects medicine into the eyes of patients with severe vision problems. They are both Northeastern students, and they say that working on co-op […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 20, 2018

Co-op Leads to Dream Job

Nicolas Binford, BS Computer Engineering 2018, landed his dream job one month after he graduated from Northeastern in May—and he credited his co-op experience with helping him get it. Binford works at Avira, a software security company, where he helps to recruit clients and write software for them. “One of the first things my manager […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

man with hands on hips with stained glass ceiling in the background

Aug 23, 2018

Try New Things and Make the Most Out of Your Experience

Written by Nicolas Binford, BS Computer Engineering, 2018. He was able to turn his experiences while on co-op in Germany into a full-time job with the company. My Experience Throughout my time in college, I often felt less technically inclined than many of my Computer Engineering peers. While many of them saw computer hardware and software […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 07, 2018

Bringing Solar Power to Tanzania While Dealing with a Whole New Culture

Erin acknowledges that she initially felt anxious about her first global co-op, working for a company that brings solar power to Tanzania, but ultimately she flourished at Sikubora Limited.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 03, 2018

SDS Lab PhD student Thomas Vandal accepts position as NASA scientist

Sustainability and Data Science Laboratory (SDS Lab) PhD student Thomas J. (“TJ”) Vandal has accepted a position as a NASA scientist at their Ames Research Center in the San Francisco Bay Area. He will work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Earth Sciences, and closely with the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) team. TJ interned with NASA during his PhD, and completed his dissertation based on […]

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